[IBC Logo] The International Badgers Club
Who's Who - The Executive

Chairperson - Suzanne Blakeman

General Secretary - Vacant - contact Chairperson

Deals with all Club matters not specifically mentioned elsewhere. All matters for consideration by the Executive, disputes, complaints and queries not specific to other members of the team should go to him.

Treasurer - John Lewis

Deals with all the Club's financial matters.

Membership Secretary - Sally Hollingham

Deals with changes of address and membership applications from the UK and all countries without a representative. Contact the Membership Secretary if you have any questions about your membership.

Cataloguer - Alan Shrives

Deals with all matters concerned with the Club catalogue, all additions, deletions, and the status of badges. Details of new badges should be sent to him. If you know of a new badges then don't wait for someone else to notify him. Badges or photocopies or electronic scans may be sent to him for identification, but please be patient as it often takes time to identify

Young Persons Representative - Steve Sutton

Promotes the interests of Young Members in the Club and collecting in general.

Guide Co-ordinator - Paul Hunt

The Guide Co-ordinator deals with all matters associated with Guides and Girl Scouts world-wide.

All of the above are the elected officers of the Club, that are appointed by the club members on a three year cycle. There are other position holders within the Club, that are appointed by the Executive.

© The International Badgers Club, 2025.