[IBC Logo] The International Badgers Club
Who's Who - Members appointed by the Executive

President - Peter Ford

Assistant General Secretary - Vacant - contact General Secretary

Assists the General Secretary with all duties.

Events Secretary - contact Chairman

Responsible for the Gilwell Reunion and Club AGM Bookings. Sells Club clothing and scarves by mail order and at Club meetings.

Magazine Editor - David Pinnington

Produces the bi-monthly magazine, The Sett. All articles, letters to the Editor and advertisments should be sent to the editor.

Webmaster/Electronic Mailing List Editor - Bruce Meldrum

Responsible for the maintainance and upkeep of the Club Website, Club E-mail addresses and the responsible use of the Club E-mail mailing list.

Recruitment Secretary - Ian Rivett

Keeps supplies of membership forms and posters.

Magazine Distributor - John Cheek

Prints, collates and distributes the Club magazine 6 times a year. If you do not receive a magazine by the 10th of the relevant month then contact him.

Historian - David Foster-Key

The historian is responsible for keeping the Clubs archive, and for acquiring new items to add to it. The historian keeps histories of badges and tries to answer members queries as they arise.

Catalogue Sales Co-ordinator - Position Vacant

Badge Sales Co-ordinator - Neil Fountain

Sells Club scarves and badges by mail order and at Club meetings. See the current issue of The Sett for pricing information and order forms.

Auctioneer - Andy Farr

Responsible for Club auctions held in the UK. Receives all items for auction and compiles the auction catalogues. Runs the auction and distributes items to the successful bidders. All correspondence regarding UK Club auctions should be addressed the auctioneer.

Assistant Auctioneer - Alan Shrives

Undertakes the auctioneering (calling) at auctions.

© The International Badgers Club, 2025.