[IBC Logo] The International Badgers Club
Chapters, Sections & Branches

Australian Chapter

The Australian Chapter is a body that all members in Australia, are automatically members of. In Australia we have members in almost all states and territories who are active collectors and swap with many of their counterparts in other countries all over the world . Membership is open to all ages , from beginners to advanced collectors. We also produce our own newsletter, "Badgers Brew", which is free to all Australian members and available by subscription to members overseas . It keeps collectors of Australian Badges up to date with all the latest release badges and badges that are now no longer used , as well as Hints and Tips on collecting .

The Club holds regular meetings in various states with an Annual meeting taking place in a central location for most members . Members attend all Major Events such as Jamboree's , Ventures and Moot's putting on Displays and giving advice on how to collect badges.

The Australian Chapter also conducts Postal Auctions and Set Price Sales giving members the chance to obtain that elusive badge they may be hunting as well as the opportunity to dispose of excess badges that they may have collected over many years . Further enquiries available from the National Secretary (see below).

For more details on the Australian Chapter contact the Australian Club Rep .

New Zealand Badgers Club

In New Zealand, The Badgers Club is now an automous club that maintains close links with the IBC. Some of their members are also members of the IBC. Many members of the IBC are also members of the NZ Badgers Club. The NZ Club produce their own magazine and have a website: http://www.nzbadgeclub.org

For more details on the New Zealand Club contact the New Zealand Club Contact, Darryl Bretherton .


Branches of the Club exist in England and Australia, normally formed by a group of local or regional members to take an collective responsibility for the organising meetings, displays and other events.

© The International Badgers Club, 2025.