[IBC Logo] The International Badgers Club
Club Meeting Diary Archive

Previous Events

When? Where? Information
1st Mar, 2025 - 2nd MarDidcotIBC 70th Anniversary Celebrations

Swap Meeting, IBC AGM, Auction and Dinner.

Willowbrook Leisure Centre, Bowmont Water, Didcot, Oxfordshire, OX11 7AF
Bookings will be open soon.
23rd Feb, 2025Taunton, SomersetAnnual Blackdown District (Taunton) Meeting
1st Wellington Scout Hut, Castle Street, Wellington TA21 8AQ
Parking at rear (off South Street)

Details from Richard, Abbie & Bobby Cook aandr.edgehills@gmail.com 01823 432979
16th Feb, 2025Feltham, MiddlesexFeltham Badgers Meeting

10:00 to 15:00
3rd Hanworth Scout HQ, Oak Avenue, Hampton, Middlesex, TW12 3QD

Contact: Keith Robbins keith_robbins@hotmail.com
02089798014 07746699579
26th Jan, 2025KidsgroveKidsgrove Scout and Guide Collectors Meeting
9.00am - 3.00pm
Accomodation available from Sat 25th 2.00pm for collectors staying overnight in hut or campervan
More info from David Swindells 01782517273
ST7 1AQ Kidsgrove Scout Hut
28th Dec, 2024NorthamptonIf you're at a loose end after Christmas then why not come along to the Northampton Scout and Guide Badge collectors' meeting on Saturday 28th December 2024?

The venue is St. Matthews's Parish Centre, 27a The Drive, Northampton NN1 4RY from 9am to 4pm. Entrance just £2.50 towards Church funds including all day Tea/Coffee. Raffle (donations for prizes welcome) - Car Parking onsite.

For further details or to book a swapping/selling table (free) contact Ian Rivett, email ian.rivett@btinternet.com or 07885 819290
15th Dec, 2024Barnt Green, BirminghamBarnt Green Scout and Guide Centre, Blackwell Road, Barnt Green, Birmingham, B45 8BT

just off Jnct 2 M42 Jnct 4 M5
Rail Links to Birmingham New Street / Redditch and Bromsgrove

9.00am - 3.00pm £5 per table

Details - Ken Waters: kenwaters@btinternet.com.
14th Dec, 2024Barnt Green, BirminghamBarnt Green Scout and Guide Centre, Blackwell Road, Barnt Green, Birmingham, B45 8BT

just off Jnct 2 M42 Jnct 4 M5
Rail Links to Birmingham New Street / Redditch and Bromsgrove

9.00am - 3.00pm £5 per table

Details - Ken Waters: kenwaters@btinternet.com.
17th Nov, 2024BoltonPennine Meeting

Brookfield Masonic Hall, Peel Street, Westhoughton BL5 3SP

8am to 4pm

Info Contact Alan Gee 01204 431908
3rd Nov, 2024Bristol229th Bristol Scout HQ, Raynes Road, Ashton Gate, BS3 2DJ. [next door to Bristol City FC ground]
same venue we have used for several years.

Doors open 9:30am. Refreshments available.

Contact miff.smith@blueyonder.co.uk or edwinbessant@gmail.com 07306014868
19th Oct, 2024Leuven, Belgium32nd European Scout & Guide Collectors Meeting - Leuven, Belgium

See ESGCM Facebook page or ask Editor for more details

ESGCM facebook page
13th Oct, 2024Malvern, Worcs2nd Malvern Scout Group HQ, Spring Lane, Malvern, WR14 1AJ

Doors open 9am. Refreshments will be available

Pre booking tables are £5 each and tables without booking on the day will be £10

For more Information contact Alan Page: allan.page@talk21.com.
6th Oct, 2024Stourport, WorcsSt Michaels Scout HQ, Mitton Gardens off Vale Rd. Stourport-on-Severn, Worcestershire. DY13 9AB.

10.00am to 15.30pm

Contact Tony Dunn. Email: tonydunn@supanet.com
30th Aug, 2024 - 1st SepGilwell ParkGilwell Reunion

Visit the IBC exhibition and swapping area.
24th Aug, 2024 - 25th AugMidhurst, West SussexThe Grange Centre, Midhurst, West Sussex, GU29 9HD

2 day Collectors Scout & Guide Badge & Memorabilia Meet. More details in magazine.

Sat 10am to 5pm. Sun 9am to 4pm. £2 entry. Prebook if you need tables.

Contact Chris Hollingham on 01730815191 or Thomas Gray tgray10178@gmail.com
14th Jul, 2024Chandlers Ford, Hampshire4th Chandlers Ford H.Q.(Hiltingbury), Hiltingbury Recreation Centre, Hiltingbury Road, Chandlers Ford, SO53 5NP.

Doors open 9am
Teas & Coffees available , admission £1.50 for Group Funds.

Information John Leeks 07766622162 or Brian Calver 07769958111
7th Jul, 2024Stourport, WorcsSt Michaels Scout HQ, Mitton Gardens off Vale Rd. Stourport-on-Severn, Worcestershire. DY13 9AB.

10.00am to 15.30pm

Contact Tony Dunn. Email: tonydunn@supanet.com
9th Jun, 2024Kings Lynn, Norfolk12th Kings Lynn Scout HQ, Beulah Street, Kings Lynn, PE30 4DN.

Open from 9:30am. Refreshments available.

For more details contact Andy Farr (Ferg) 1sthunstantongsl@talktalk.net or call 07468 610480
2nd Jun, 2024Studley, WarksCANCELLED
25th May, 2024Spondon, DerbyshireSpondon Scout HQ, 76 Stoney Lane, Spondon, Derby, DE21 7QH

9am to 4pm. Free entry.

IBC Auction & Swap Meeting - see website or magazine for more details.
    Note this is on a Saturday

5th May, 2024Bristol229th Bristol Scout HQ, Raynes Road, Ashton Gate, BS3 2DJ. [next door to Bristol City FC ground]
same venue we have used for several years.

Doors open 9:30am. Refreshments available.

Contact miff.smith@blueyonder.co.uk or edwinbessant@gmail.com 07306014868
14th Apr, 2024Albrighton, ShropshireThe Den, Shaw Lane, Albrighton, Shropshire, WV7 3DT

Doors open 9:30am. Entrance fee £3 including a table and refreshments.

Less than five minutes from M54 Junction 3 and 3 minutes walk from Albrighton Train Station
Cosford Aircraft Museum is close by, Historic Towns of Ironbridge and Bridnorth ( 20 mins) and 4 garden Centres within 15 minutes inc David Austin Roses.

For more information contact Tom Collins or Chris Wanley - chris@wanley.org.uk
29th Mar, 2024 - 1st AprChalfont Easter ReunionWoodhouse Park, Nr Britsol
Booking forms in Jan SETT
23rd Mar, 2024Sawtry, CambsSawtry Meeting

9.30am - 2.30pm
Sawtry Parish Hall, 37 Green End Road, Sawtry,
PE28 5UY

Details Contact Neil Fountain. nfount1@aol.com
17th Mar, 2024Huntingdon9.30am - 2.30pm
Sawtry Parish Hall, 37 Green End rd. Sawtry.
PE28 5UY
Details Contact Neil Fountain. nfount1@aol.com
1st Mar, 2024 - 2nd MarDidcotFri and Sat 2 Day Meeting 9am to 4pm daily
AGM on Saturday 2nd March @ 2pm
Willowbrook Leisure Centre, Bowmont Water, Didcot, Oxfordshire, OX11 7AF
Bookings Ian.hollingham@hotmail.co.uk - 01235 519279
25th Feb, 2024TauntonAnnual Blackdown District (Taunton) Meeting
1st Wellington Scout HQ, Castle Street, Wellington. TA21 8AQ. Parking at rear.
Details from Richard, Abbie and Bobby Cook - aandr.edgehills@gmail.com 01823 432979
18th Feb, 2024Feltham26th FELTHAM BADGERS MEETING
SUNDAY 18th FEB 2024 - 10:00 to 15:00
Details: Keith Robbins - keith_robbins@hotmail.com

Tables can be reserved in advance - Tea & coffee supplied to all visitors

Please note the meeting is inside the ULEZ zone
14th Jan, 2024KidsgroveKidsgrove Scout and Guide Collectors Meeting
from 9.00am
Accomodation available from Sat 13th 2.00pm for collectors staying overnight in hut
More info from David Swindells 01782517273
ST17 1AQ Kidsgrove Scout Hut
10th Dec, 2023Barnt GreenCome to the final meeting before Christmas 2023 at our large venue Barnt Green
Scout and Guide Centre. Close to the M42 Jnct 2 & M5 Jnct 4, with Rail Links to the
Famous Birmingham German Market and The Kingfisher Shopping Centre Redditch
for that last minute Christmas Shop. The meeting will continue to have our Christmas
Raffle and warm welcome that everyone enjoyed previously at Birmingham. For
further details Contact kenswaters@btinternet.com
25th Nov, 2023Club Auction Lowther Adventure, Rushton Rd, Glendon, Kettering, Northamptonshire, NN14 1QE
Doors Open 9am - 5pm Auction Starts 1pm
5 pound entrance fees includes Buffet and Table (additional tables 5 pounds)
Indoor and Outdoor accomodation available - book direct with Centre (Sat Meeting only)
19th Nov, 2023Bolton2nd Pennine Meeting
25th Bolton HQ, St Thomas and St John Church
Tempest Road, Bolton BL6 4EL 9am to 3 pm
Info Contact Alan Gee 01204 431908
Gathering at Als the day before for evening meal
Some accomodation available and access to building Saturday
5th Nov, 2023Bristol229th. Bristol Scout HQ. Raynes Road, Ashton [next door to BCFC Ground.]
(same location we have used for several years now)
Contact Miff.smith@blueyonder.co.uk or edwinbessant@gmail.com mobile number 0730 601 4868 Refreshments Available,
15th Oct, 2023MalvernFrom 10 am. At the 2nd Malvern Scout Group. Spring Lane Malvern. WR14 1AJ.
Next door to Malvern Rugby Club. Tea/Coffee and soup will be available.
A table charge of £ 5 will apply
Contact - allan.page@talk21.com
1st Oct, 2023StourportSunday 10.30am to 15.30pm
STOURPORT- St Michaels Scout HQ, Mitton Gardens off Vale Rd. Stourport-on-Severn, Worcestershire. DY13 9AB.
Contact Tony Dunn. Email:tonydunn@supanet.com SAE for Map
17th Sep, 2023Southend-On-SeaTime 10 am-4 pm.
Set up from 9am

Scout Headquarters, Eastern Avenue, Southend-on-Sea, Essex SS2 4BU
(next to the Spire Wellesley private hospital)
Contact Keith Rooks-Cowell, keith.pat.123@gmail.com or Peter Brady petebrady56@gmail.com
26th Aug, 2023 - 27th AugMidhurst28th Midhurst meeting
The Grange Centre,Midhurst, West Sussex, GU29-9HD
Contact Chris Hollingham (01730) 815191 - Glen T Wright ibcbadger@aol.com
available 1st Eastbourne HQ (Please make own arrangements)
Hot and Cold drinks Breakfast and Light refreshments available
16th Jul, 2023StourportSunday 10.30am to 15.30pm (Tony says you all turn up early anyway !!!
STOURPORT- St Michaels Scout HQ, Mitton Gardens off Vale Rd. Stourport-on-Severn, Worcestershire. DY13 9AB.
Contact Tony Dunn. Email:tonydunn@supanet.com SAE for Map
2nd Jul, 2023Chandlers Ford4th Chandlers Ford H.Q.(Hiltingbury)
Hiltingbury Recreation Centre, Hiltingbury Rd., Chandlers Ford SO53 5NP.
Teas & Coffees available , admission £1.50 for Group Funds.
Information John Leeks 07766622162 or Brian Calver 07769958111
B80 7QU
A.T.C. Headquarters on left. Scout Headquarters next door.
Any issues Call Ian 07988712107
7th May, 2023Britsol229th. Bristol Scout HQ. Raynes Road, Ashton [next door to BCFC Ground.]
(same location we have used for several years now)
Contact Miff.smith@blueyonder.co.uk or edwinbessant@gmail.com mobile number 0730 601 4868 Refreshments Available,
7th Apr, 2023 - 10th AprChalfont Easter ReunionWoodhouse Park Scout Campsite
Nr Bristol
Booking forms should be in Jan SETT
Organizer Ken Waters
fernhill, Almondsbury, South Gloucestershire . BS32 41X
26th Mar, 2023CambridgeshireSunday 9.30am - 2.30pm
Sawtry Parish Hall
37 Green End rd.
Sawtry. PE28 5UY
Details Contact Neil Fountain. @ nfount1@aol.com
10th Mar, 2023 - 11th MarAGM - DIDCOTClub Meeting Friday and Sat
Club AGM Saturday
January Sett will include full details & booking form
This is the same venue as 2022
26th Feb, 2023TauntonBlackdown District (Taunton) Meeting at 1st Wellington Scout HQ, Castle Street, Wellington. TA21 8AQ.
Parking at rear. Details from Richard, Abbie and Bobby Cook
01823 432979

Richard and Abbie
19th Feb, 2023HawardenNorth Wales - Gladstone Centre and Campsite. Off Chester Rd (B5125) opposite the top Manor Lane. CH5 3GL.
Plenty of Free Parking - Accommodation available on site
Contact -
Gareth Sandilands - gareth@littlemountainoutdoors.co.uk (07876 226278)
Jerry Somerton - --thesomertons@gmail.com (07974 811190)
19th Feb, 2023FelthamFeltham Swop meeting 10am. To be held at 3rd Hanworth Scout HQ, Oak Avenue, Hampton, Middlesex, TW12 3QD. This will be (we think) the 25th Feltham meeting.
Contact details: Keith Robbins. Email keith_robbins@hotmail.com. Phone 02089798014 or 07746699579.
29th Jan, 2023KidsgroveFrom 9.00AM - Kidsgrove Scout HQ ST7 1AQ - Stoke on Trent
Overnight accommodation available at HQ for Small extra fee
HQ open from 2.00pm Saturday and Evening meal being planned Walking distance from HQ
Additional Information available from David Swindells
28th Dec, 2022NorthamptonAt a loose end after Christmas? Then why not come to the Northampton Scout Badge Collectors and Memorabilia meeting to be held on Wednesday at St. Matthew’s Parish Centre, 27a The Drive, Kingsley, Northampton NN1 4RY from 9am to 4pm.
Car parking on site. £2 Entry towards church funds which includes all day Tea & Coffee. For further details and to book a table (free) please PM me, email ian.rivett@btinternet.com or add a note on IBC facebook page.
11th Dec, 2022Barnt GreenCome to the final meeting before Christmas at our NEW large venue Barnt Green
Scout and Guide Centre. Close to the M42 Jnct 2 & M5 Jnct 4, with Rail Links to the
Famous Birmingham German Market and The Kingfisher Shopping Centre Redditch
for that last minute Christmas Shop. The meeting will continue to have our Christmas
Raffle and warm welcome that everyone enjoyed previously at Birmingham. For
further details Contact kenswaters@btinternet.com
20th Nov, 2022Bolton1ST PENNINE BADGERS MEET
Sunday 20th November 2022 – 9am until 3.30pm
25th Bolton Scout Group Headquarters (Behind Church of St Thomas & St John, Lostock)
Tempest Road, Bolton, BL6 4EL

Further Details – Alan Gee 01204 431908 (preferred contact)
Mobile 07803 595579
6th Nov, 2022Bristol229th. Bristol Scout HQ. Raynes Road, Ashton Gate, Bristol BS3 (next to BCFC Stadium).
More information from Malcolm Smith miff.smith@blueyonder.co.uk or Edwin Bessant edwinbessant@gmail.com

16th Oct, 2022MalvernRodway Hall - Open from 10am
Tea-Coffee and Light Refreshments available
1st Malvern Scout Group (Rodway Hall) 85-87 Redland Road, Malvern Link WR14 1LY
More information from allan.page@talk21.com Tel 01886 832960
25th Sep, 2022Southend On SeaTime ... 10am - 4pm Set up from 9am
Scout Headquarters, Estern Avenue, Southend on Sea, Essex. SS2 4BU (next to Spire Wellesley private hospital )
Contact Pete Brady petebrady56@gmail.com or Keith Rooks-Cowell
18th Sep, 2022StourportSt Michaels Scout HQ, Mitton Gardens off Vale Rd, Stourport-on-Severn, Worcs., DY13 9AB.
Contact Tony Dunn for details, tonydunn@supanet.com
2nd Sep, 2022 - 4th SepGilwellGilwell Reunion - Booking confirmed IBC will exhibit at the Gilwell Reunion this year and more information to follow as available
27th Aug, 2022 - 28th AugMidhurst2 day meet @ The Grange Centre, Weekend Midhurst, West Sussex GU29 9HD
Very popular Annual event – combine your trip with Gilwell reunion
Details from Chris Hollingham 01730 815191
10th Jul, 2022Chandlers Ford
4th Chandlers Ford (Hiltingbury), Hiltingbury Centre, Hiltingbury Road, Chandlers Ford, Hampshire, SO53 5NP Teas and Coffees available. Admission £1.50
Details from John Leeks 01962 881658 og 07766622162 or Brian Calver 01202 828419 or 07769958111
26th Jun, 2022StourportSt Michaels Scout HQ, Mitton Gardens off Vale Rd, Stourport-on-Severn, Worcs., DY13 9AB.
Contact Tony Dunn for more information.
4th Jun, 2022StudleyMore information to Follow
4th Jun, 2022StudleyMore information to Follow
29th May, 2022King's Lynn12th King's Lynn Scout HQ, Beulah Street, Kings Lynn PE30 4DN
what3words ///templates.glades.admits
Running from 9am - 4pm, Refreshments available.
More details from Andy Farr (Ferg), hunstantongsl@talktalk.net

1st May, 2022BristolAt the 229th. Bristol Scout HQ. Raynes Road, Ashton Gate, Bristol BS3
(next to BCFC Stadium)
More information from Malcolm Smith, miff.smith@blueyonder.co.uk or Edwin Bessant edwinbessant@gmail.com
Looking forward to seeing you all.
15th Apr, 2022 - 18th AprBristolChalfont Easter Reunion
Woodhouse Park Campsite
See January Sett for more info and booking form
2nd Apr, 2022CambridgeshireSawtry Parish Hall ( old school) 9.30am – 2-30pm
Next to 37 Green End Rd, Sawtry, PE28 5UY
Large car park at rear of building
More details contact Neil Fountain email nfount1@aol.com
26th Mar, 2022CambridgeshireSunday 9.30am - 2.30pm
Sawtry Parish Hall
37 Green End rd. ,
Sawtry. PE28 5UY
For Details Contact Neil Fountain @ nfount1@aol.com
20th Mar, 2022HawardenCome visit North Wales! A warm welcome for our new meeting at the Gladstone Centre & Campsite, Manor lane Hawarden Ch5 3PG. Accommodation can be arranged on site on request or nearby.
Plenty of free parking.
For further details & booking please Contact Gareth Sandilands, gareth@littlemountainoutdoors.co.uk or Jerry Sommerton, sommertons@gmail.com
4th Mar, 2022 - 5th MarDidcotClub AGM & Meeting
See January Sett for further details & booking form
20th Feb, 2022TauntonThe Wellington Scout Hut. From 9am for the early risers. Tea/coffee biscuits available throughout the day.
Please contact us on aandr.edgehills@gmail.com for further details or to book a table.
Abbie and Richard
13th Feb, 2022Feltham3rd Hanworth Scout HQ, Oak Avenue, Hampton, Middlesex, TW12 3QD.
10am to 3pm
Details from Keith Robbins, keith_robbins@hotmail.com
23rd Jan, 2022MidhurstMidhurst/Liphook
Meet at The Grange Centre, Weekend Midhurst, West Sussex GU29 9HD.
Details from Chris Hollingham 01730 815191
22nd Jan, 2022Windsor1st Datchet Sea Scout HQ Ditton Manor, Ditton Park Rd. Datchet.
Details from Jenny and Denis Gudgeon, jenny.denis@btinternet.com
Light refreshment available all day. £1 entry for HQ funds. Map available on request
27th Dec, 2021NorthamptonAt a loose end after Christmas? Then why not come to the Northampton Scout Badge Collectors and Memorabilia meeting to be held on Monday 27th December 2021 at St. Matthew’s Parish Centre, 27a The Drive, Kingsley, Northampton NN1 4RY from 9am to 4pm. Car parking on site. £1 entry for church funds. Tea & Coffee available. For further details and to book a table (free) contact 3387 Ian Rivett via email ian.rivett@btinternet.com
12th Dec, 2021Barnt GreenCome to the final meeting before Christmas at our NEW large venue
The Barnt Green Scout and Guide Centre.

Close to the M42 Junction 2 & M5 Junction 4, with Rail Links to the Famous Birmingham German Market and The Kingfisher Shopping Centre Redditch for that last minute Christmas Shop.

The meeting will continue to have our Christmas Raffle and warm welcome that everyone enjoyed previously at Birmingham.

For further details Contact kenswaters@btinternet.com
28th Nov, 2021KetteringClub Meeting and Club Auction
Meeting 09.00 to 17.00 and Auction at 10.00
Lowther Adventure, Rushton Road, Glendon, Kettering, Northamptonshire. NN14 1QF
Table Booking GBP 5.00 Day Visitors and Auction entry GBP2.00 Food and Beverages available
Overnight accommodation available for Info Contact suzanneblakeman12@gmail.com
21st Nov, 2021Bristol229th. Bristol Scout HQ, Raynes Rd. Ashton, Bristol. (next to Bristol City Football Stadium)

For more information contact 39/93 Malcolm Smith miff.smith@blueyonder.co.uk or 3567 Edwin Bessant edwinbessant@gmail.com
7th Nov, 2021ManchesterCancelled
Scout HQ, Mirfield Rd, Higher Blackley, Manchester.

Details from Freda Clarke, badger.freda@gmail.com
7th Nov, 2021StourportSt Michaels Scout HQ, Mitton Gardens off Vale Rd, Stourport-on-Severn, Worcs., DY13 9AB.
Contact Tony Dunn, tonydunn@supanet.com
Tea & biscuits as usual, but due to insufficient interest, we will no longer be doing pies and soup.
17th Oct, 2021Malvern1st Malvern Link Scout Group HQ. Rodway Hall, Redland Road, Malvern WR14 1LY

Tea and Coffee available.

To book a table @£5 per table
Contact allan.page.t21@btinternet.com
28th Aug, 2021 - 29th AugMidhurst26th Midhurst/Liphook 2-day meet The Grange Centre, Weekend Midhurst, West Sussex GU29 9HD.

Very Popular annual event!

Combine your trip to Gilwell Reunion!

Details from Chris Hollingham 01730 815191
2nd May, 2021BristolCancelled due to current restrictions
13th Dec, 2020Barnt GreenCancelled due to Corona outbreak
Come to the final meeting before Christmas at our NEW Larger Venue, The Barnt Green Scout & Guide Centre.

Close to the M42 Junction 2 & M5 Junction 4, with Rail links to the Famous Birmingham German Market and the Kingfisher Shopping Centre Redditch for that last minute Christmas Shop. The Meeting will continue to have our Christmas Raffle and warm welcome that everyone enjoyed previously at Birmingham. For further details contact kenswaters@btinternet.com
29th Nov, 2020StourportCancelled due to Corona outbreak
St Michaels Scout HQ, Mitton Gardens off Vale Rd. Stourporton-Severn, DY13 9AB.
Contact Tony Dunn, tonydunn@supanet.com

Hot pies, soup and toast will be available
15th Nov, 2020BristolCancelled due to Corona outbreak
229th Bristol Scouts HQ, Raynes Rd, Ashton, Bristol.
(By Bristol City Football Stadium).

For more info contact 39/93 Malcolm Smith, miff.smith@blueyonder.co.uk or 3567 Edwin Bessant, edwin.bessant@gmail.com

HQ will open at 9.30am
1st Nov, 2020ManchesterCancelled due to Corona outbreak
Scout H.Q, Mirfield Rd, Higher Blackley, Manchester.

Details from Freda Clarke, badger.freda@gmail.com
18th Oct, 2020LondonCancelled due to Corona outbreak
16th Wood Green Headquarters, Wolves Lane, Wood Green N22 5JD

Next St Cuthburt’s Church
Usual refreshments available

Information and maps from Brian Gyngell, gyngbs@aol.com
11th Oct, 2020WalsallCancelled due to Corona outbreak
At the 6th Walsall scout HQ Haliwell Brookes Centre,Delves Green Road, Walsall, WS5 4PL.
you can always come on Saturday evening and stay overnight at the scout HQ.
to get further information you can contact Robert Falconer, a.falconer48@btinternet.com
27th Sep, 2020Southend On SeaCancelled due to Corona outbreak
Southend Estuary H.Q,, Eastern Avenue, Southend-on-Sea, SS2 4BU, Essex.

near Wellesly Private Hospital.

Details from Peter Brady, peterbrady@blueyonder.co.uk
4th Sep, 2020 - 6th SepGilwellCancelled due to Corona outbreak
Gilwell Reunion
29th Aug, 2020 - 30th AugMidhurstCancelled due to Corona outbreak

The Grange Centre, Midhurst, West Sussex GU29 9HD.

Combine your trip to Gilwell Reunion!
Details from Trevor Holden, trevorholden62@gmail.com
29th Jul, 2020 - 1st AugGommertal, SwitzerlandWorld Scout and Guide Collectors meeting, Switzerland

For more information, please refer to the PDF
26th Jul, 2020Malvern1st Malvern Link Group Scout HQ, Redland Road, Malvern Link WR14 1LY

10 am-5pm.
Admission Free.
Tables provided £5 each.

Information from allan.page@talk21.com
5th Jul, 2020Chandlers FordCancelled due to Corona outbreak
4th Chandlers Ford H.Q.(Hiltingbury) Hiltingbury Recreation Centre, Hiltingbury Rd., Chandlers Ford SO53 5NP.

Teas & Coffees available
admission £1.50 for Group Funds.
Information from John Leeks or Brian Calver 01202 828419 mobile 07769958111
28th Jun, 2020LondonCancelled due to Corona outbreak
16th Wood Green Headquarters, Wolves Lane, Wood Green N22 5JD

Next St Cuthburt’s Church
Usual refreshments available

Information and maps from Brian Gyngell, gyngbs@aol.com
12th Jun, 2020 - 14th JunClevelandCancelled due to Corona outbreak
Full details from:- Doug and Susan Corbin, dandscorbin@ntlworld.com
31st May, 2020HorshamCancelled due to Corona outbreak
2nd Horsham H.Q., Swindon Road, Horsham RH12 2HF .

For partners, shops are open for Christmas purchases within one mile.

Details from Richard Taylor, richard7942@talktalk.net
22nd May, 2020 - 24th MayTreviso, ItalyWorld Scout and Guide Collectors meeting, Italy

For more information, please refer to PDF, PDF2
17th May, 2020StourportIn person meeting cancelled due to Corona outbreak, aution will go ahead with postal and online bids
St Michaels Scout HQ, Mitton Gardens off Vale Rd. Stourporton-Severn, DY13 9AB.
Contact Tony Dunn, tonydunn@supanet.com

pies, soup and toast will be available
3rd May, 2020BristolCancelled due to Corona outbreak
229th Bristol Scouts HQ, Raynes Rd, Ashton, Bristol.
(By Bristol City Football Stadium).

For more info contact 39/93 Malcolm Smith, miff.smith@blueyonder.co.uk or 3567 Edwin Bessant, edwin.bessant@gmail.com,

HQ will open at 9.30am
18th Apr, 2020DorchesterCancelled due to Corona outbreak
St George's Church Hall, High Street, Fordington, Dorchester Dorset DT1 1LB.

Usual times 10am till 3.30pm Hot drinks and biscuits available.

The hall is situated behind the church which is quite visible from the road. £1 to include drinks and biscuits.

Details from Meriel Dunham, 14 Manor Rd, Dorchester, DT1 2AU. Please include SAE.
10th Apr, 2020 - 12th AprWoodhouse ParkCancelled due to Corona outbreak
EASTER REUNION – Woodhouse Park.

Details from Sally Hollingham, Sally.hollingham@hotmail.com
29th Mar, 2020UptonCancelled due to Corona outbreak

Upton village hall , Green Lane, UPTON, HUNTINGDON, PE28 5YE.

Come off A1(M) Junction 15 Southbound Sawtry or Junction 13 Northbound Alconbury. Please drive with care in village. No footpaths.

Details from Neil Fountain, nfount1@aol.com
6th Mar, 2020 - 7th MarGilwellANNUAL GENERAL MEETING
CIC, Gilwell, London
Details from Ian Hollingham, ian.hollingham@hotmail.co.uk
16th Feb, 2020Taunton1st Wellington Scout H.Q. Castle Hall, 6 Fore Street, Wellington, Somerset.

Details from Richard Cook, aandr.edgehills@gmail.com
9th Feb, 2020Feltham3rd Hanworth Scout HQ, Oak Avenue, Hampton, Middlesex, TW12 3QD.

10am to 3pm

Details from Keith Robbins, keith_robbins@hotmail.com
26th Jan, 2020Stoke-On-Trent1st Kidsgrove Scout HQ, The Avenue, Kidsgrove, Stoke-on-Trent, ST7 1AQ. 9am-4pm.

Overnight accommodation available in HQ. Bring own sleeping bag, food etc. Kitchen Facilities.

For more info contact Dave Swindells, davidbadgerswindells@btinternet.com
11th Jan, 2020Windsor1st Datchet Sea Scout HQ Ditton Manor, Ditton Park Rd. Datchet.

Details from Jenny and Denis Gudgeon, jenny.denis@btinternet.com

Light refreshment available all day. £1 entry for HQ funds. Map available on request
28th Dec, 2019NorthamptonAt a loose end after Christmas? Then why not come to the Northampton Scout Badge Collectors and Memorabilia meeting
St. Matthew’s Parish Centre, 27a The Drive, Kingsley, Northampton NN1 4RY

from 9am to 4pm. Car parking on site. £1 entry for church funds.

Tea & Coffee available.

For further details and to book a table (free) contact 3387 Ian Rivett, ian.rivett@btinternet.com
8th Dec, 2019Barnt GreenCome to the final meeting of the year at our NEW Larger Venue, The Barnt Green Scout & Guide Centre. Close to the M42 Junction 1 & M5 Junction 4, with Rail links to the Famous Birmingham German Market and the Kingfisher Shopping Centre Redditch for that last minute Christmas Shop. The Meeting will continue to have our Christmas Raffle and warm welcome that everyone enjoyed previously at Birmingham.

For further details contact kenswaters@btinternet.com
1st Dec, 2019Horsham2nd Horsham H.Q., Swindon Road, Horsham RH12 2HF .

For partners, shops are open for Christmas purchases within one mile. Details from Richard Taylor, richard7942@talktalk.net
St. Michael’s Scout HQ, Mitton Gardens (off Vale Rd), Stourport-on-Severn, DY13 9AB.

Contact Tony Dunn, tonydunn@supanet.com

Hot pies, soup and toast will be available
17th Nov, 2019Bristol229th Bristol Scouts HQ, Raynes Rd, Ashton, Bristol. (By Bristol City Football Stadium).

For more info contact Malcolm Smith, miff.smith@blueyonder.co.uk or Edwin Bessant, edwin.bessant@gmail.com,

HQ will open at 9.30am
3rd Nov, 2019ManchesterScout H.Q, Mirfield Rd, Higher Blackley, Manchester.

Details from Freda Clarke, badger.freda@gmail.com
30th Oct, 2019PortsmouthDATE CHANGED

The new venue is Hilsea Scout Centre, 70 The Ridings, Gatcombe Park, PO2 0UF.

Onsite parking is available so no permits required.

Hilsea Train Station is nearby and it is on main bus routes going out of the City. Should you require help with directions please contact Richard Spearing, richardspearing452@btinternet.com
20th Oct, 2019Plymouth1st Crownhill Scout H.Q.

Details from Steve Bull, stevethebadger@blueyonder.co.uk
20th Oct, 2019London16th Wood Green Headquarters, Wolves Lane, Wood Green, N22 5JD
Next St. Cuthburt’s Church.

Usual refreshments available

Information and maps from Brian Gyngell, gyngbs@aol.com
13th Oct, 2019Walsall6th Walsall scout HQ Haliwell Brookes Centre,Delves Green Road, Walsall, WS5 4PL.

You can always come on Saturday evening and stay overnight at the scout HQ. To get further information you can contact Robert Falconer, a.salconer48@btinternet.com
6th Oct, 2019Falkirk1st Falkirk Scout Hall, Pleasance Court, Pleasance, Falkirk F1 1BF
£2 incl. Tea & Biscuits

Information Hamish Scott, hscottfalkirk@blueyonder.co.uk
29th Sep, 2019Southend On Sea Southend Estuary H.Q,, Eastern Avenue, Southend-on-Sea, SS2 4BU, Essex., near Wellesly Private Hospital.

Details from Peter Brady, peterbrady@blueyonder.co.uk
22nd Sep, 2019StudleyStudley Scout Hall, Pool Road, Studley, Warwickshire, B80 7QU

10am-4pm, Parking

Contact Ian Vickers, Baloo4427@hotmail.co.uk
6th Sep, 2019 - 8th SepGilwellGILWELL REUNION
31st Aug, 2019 - 1st SepMidhurstWEEKEND MEETING
The Grange Centre, Midhurst, West Sussex GU29 9HD.


Combine your trip to Gilwell Reunion!

Details from Trevor Holden, trevorholden62@gmail.com
28th Jul, 2019Malvern1st Malvern Link Group Scout HQ, Redland Road, Malvern Link WR14 1LY
10 am-5pm. Admission Free. Tables provided £5 each.
information from allan.page@talk21.com
7th Jul, 2019Chandlers Ford4th Chandlers Ford H.Q.(Hiltingbury), Hiltingbury Recreation Centre, Hiltingbury Rd., Chandlers Ford SO53 5NP.

Teas & Coffees available , admission £1.50 for Group Funds.

Information John Leeks or Brian Calver 01202 828419 mobile 07769958111
23rd Jun, 2019London16th Wood Green Headquarters, Wolves Lane, Wood Green N22 5JD Next St Cuthburt’s Church

Usual refreshments available

Information and maps from Brian Gyngell, gyngbs@aol.com
14th Jun, 2019 - 16th JunClevelandWEEKEND MEETING

Full details from Doug and Susan Corbin, dandscorbin@ntlworld.com

St Michaels Scout HQ, Stourport-on-Severn, Worcestershire.

Contact Tony Dunn, tonydunn@supanet.com

SAE for Maps

Hot pies, soup and toast will be available

Note, auction postponed.
5th May, 2019Bristol229th Bristol Scouts HQ, Raynes Rd, Ashton, Bristol. (By Bristol City Football Stadium).

For more info contact Malcolm Smith, miff.smith@blueyonder.co.uk or Edwin Bessant, edwin.bessant@gmail.com

HQ will open at 9.30am
19th Apr, 2019 - 22nd AprWoodhouse Park EASTER REUNION

Woodhouse Park, Bristol.

Details from Sally Hollingham, sally.hollingham@hotmail.com
13th Apr, 2019AprilSt George's Church Hall, High Street Fordington, Dorchester Dorset DT1 1LB.

Usual times 10am till 3.30pm Hot drinks and biscuits available.
The hall is situated behind the church which is quite visible from the road.

£1 to include drinks and biscuits..
Details from Meriel Dunham, 14 Manor Rd, Dorchester, DT1 2AU. Please include SAE
24th Mar, 2019UptonUpton village hall , Green Lane, UPTON. HUNTINGDON, PE28 5YE.

Come off A1(M) Junction 15 Southbound Sawtry or Junction 13 Northbound, Alconbury.
Please drive with care in village. No footpaths.

Details from Neil Fountain, nfount1@aol.com
1st Mar, 2019GilwellCLUB AGM, Friday-Saturday

Details from Ian Hollingham, ian.hollingham@hotmail.co.uk
17th Feb, 2019Taunton1st Wellington Scout H.Q. Castle Hall, 6 Fore Street, Wellington, Somerset.

Details from Richard Cook, aandr.edgehills@gmail.com
10th Feb, 2019Feltham3rd Hanworth Scout HQ, Oak Avenue,Hampton, Middlesex, TW12 3QD.
10am to 3pm

Details from Keith Robbins, keith_robbins@hotmail.com
20th Jan, 2019Stoke-On-Trent1st Kidsgrove Scout HQ, The Avenue, Kidsgrove, Stoke-on-Trent, ST7 1AQ.

Overnight accommodation available in HQ.
Bring own sleeping bag, food etc. Kitchen Facilities.

For more info contact Dave Swindells, davidbadgerswindells@btinternet.com
12th Jan, 2019Windsor1st Datchet Sea Scout HQ Ditton Manor, Ditton Park Rd. Datchet.

Details from Jenny and Denis Gudgeon, jenny.denis@btinternet.com

Light refreshment available all day. £1 entry for HQ funds. Map available on request
1st Jan, 2019where?1st Kidsgrove Scout HQ, The Avenue, Kidsgrove, Stoke-on-Trent, ST7 1AQ. 9am-4pm. Overnight accommodation available in HQ. Bring own sleeping bag, food etc. Kitchen Facilities. For more info contact Dave Swindells, bruce.meldrum@gmail.com
10th Dec, 2018BirminghamCome to the final meeting of the year at our NEW Larger Venue, The Barnt Green Scout & Guide Centre. Close to the M42 Junction 1 & M5 Junction 4, with Rail links to the Famous Birmingham German Market and the Kingfisher Shopping Centre Redditch for that last minute Christmas Shop.

The Meeting will continue to have our Christmas Raffle and warm welcome that everyone enjoyed previously at Birmingham. For further details contact Ken Waters
2nd Dec, 2018Horsham2nd Horsham H.Q., Swindon Road, Horsham RH12 2HF. For
partners, shops are open for Christmas purchases within one mile. Details from Richard Taylor
25th Nov, 2018StourportTHE CLIVE HUNTBATCH MEMORIAL MEETING - INCLUDING CLUB AUCTION: St Michaels Scout HQ, Stourport-on-Severn, Worcestershire. Contact Tony Dunn.
Hot pies, soup and toast will be available
18th Nov, 2018Bristol229th. Bristol Scouts, Raynes Road, BS3 2DL Contact Malcolm Smith or Edwin Bessant doors open 09.30hrs,
4th Nov, 2018ManchesterScout H.Q, Mirfield Rd, Higher Blackley, Manchester. Details from Freda Clarke
24th Oct, 2018PortsmouthThe new venue is Hilsea Scout Centre, 70 The Ridings, Gatcombe Park, PO2 0UF. 9.00am-3.00pm. Onsite parking is available so no permits required. Hilsea Train Station is nearby and it is on main bus routes going out of the City. Should you require help with directions please contact Richard Spearing
21st Oct, 2018London16th Wood Green Headquarters, Wolves Lane, Wood Green N22 5JD Next St Cuthburt’s Church. Usual refreshments available Information and maps from Brian Gyngell
21st Oct, 2018Plymouth1st Crownhill Scout H.Q, Details from Steve Bull
14th Oct, 2018StudleyStudley Scout Hall, Pool Road, Studley, Warwickshire, B80 7QU. 10am-4pm Parking. Contact Ian Vickers
7th Oct, 2018Sheffield35th Sheffield (St Oswald’s) Group HQ. Edgefield Road, Sheffield S7 2BT. South West of City off A621 into Edgedale Rd, turn right Archer Lane, HQ on right. Car access is via Archer Lane S7 2BU. Tea/coffee. Should you require help with direction please contact John Burden
30th Sep, 2018BoltonBIBBY’S FARM CAMPSITE Charnock Back Lane, Heath Charnock, Chorley Lancs PR6 9DL 9am-2pm. Run with another event so space may be limited. if interested contact 08/13 Rosemary Hill
23rd Sep, 2018SouthendSouthend Estuary H.Q,, Eastern Avenue, Southend-on-Sea, SS2 4BU, Essex., near Wellesly Private Hospital. Details from Keith Rooks-Cowell
7th Sep, 2018GilwellGilwell Reunion, Friday-Saturday-Sunday event
25th Aug, 2018MidhurstSaturday-Sunday event
The Grange Centre, Midhurst, West
Sussex GU29 9HD. VERY POPULAR ANNUAL EVENT! Combine your trip to Gilwell Reunion! Details from Trevor Holden

8th Jul, 2018Chandlers Ford4th Chandlers Ford H.Q.(Hiltingbury) Hiltingbury Recreation Centre, Hiltingbury Rd., Chandlers Ford SO53 5NP. Teas & Coffees available , admission £1.50 for Group Funds. Information John Leeks or Brian Calver 01202 828419 mobile 07769958111
24th Jun, 2018London16th Wood Green Headquarters, Wolves Lane, Wood Green N22 5JD Next St Cuthburt’s Church. Usual refreshments available Information and maps from Brian Gyngell
8th Jun, 2018ClevelandFriday-Saturday-Sunday event Full details from:- Doug and Susan Corbin
27th May, 2018Bristol229th. Bristol Scouts, Raynes Road, BS3 2DL Contact Malcolm Smith or Edwin Bessant doors open 09.30hrs,
13th May, 2018StourportTHE CLIVE HUNTBATCH MEMORIAL MEETING - INCLUDING CLUB AUCTION: St Michaels Scout HQ, Stourport-on-Severn, Worcestershire. Contact Tony Dunn.
Hot pies, soup and toast will be available
4th May, 2018Évora, PortugalThis year Portugal will organize the international events 12th EuroScout and 37th World Scout and Guide Collectors Meeting in the beautiful and historic city of Évora, from 4 to 6 May. http://www.cpcoe.org/evora2018/
14th Apr, 2018DorchesterSt George's Church Hall, High Street Fordington
Dorchester Dorset DT1 1LB. Usual times (changed) to 11am till 3.30pm Hot drinks and biscuits available. The hall is situated behind the church which is quite visible from the road. £1 to include drinks and biscuits.. Details from Meriel Dunham, 14 Manor Rd, Dorchester, DT1 2AU. Please include SAE.
30th Mar, 2018BristolEaster Reunion, Woodhouse Park, Friday-Saturday-Sunday event Details from Sally Hollingham
2nd Mar, 2018GilwellClub AGM, Friday-Saturday event Details from Ian Hollingham
18th Feb, 2018Taunton1st Wellington Scout H.Q. Castle Hall, 6 Fore Street, Wellington, Somerset. Details from Richard Cook
11th Feb, 2018Feltham3rd Hanworth Scout HQ, Oak Avenue,Hampton, Middlesex, TW12 3QD. 10am to 3pm Details from Keith Robbins
21st Jan, 2018Stoke-On-Trent1st Kidsgrove Scout HQ, The Avenue, Kidsgrove, Stoke-on-Trent, ST7 1AQ. 9am-4pm. Overnight accommodation available in HQ. Bring own sleeping bag, food etc. Kitchen Facilities. For more info contact Dave Swindells
13th Jan, 2018Windsor1st Datchet Sea Scout HQ Ditton Manor, Ditton Park Rd. Datchet. Details from Jenny and Denis Gudgeon. Light refreshment available all day. £1 entry for HQ funds. Map available on request
10th Dec, 2017Barnt GreenCome to the final meeting of the year at our NEW Larger Venue, The Barnt Green Scout & Guide Centre. Close to the M42 Junction 1 & M5 Junction 4, with Rail links to the Famous Birmingham German Market and the Kingfisher Shopping Centre Redditch for that last minute Christmas Shop. The Meeting will continue to have our Christmas Raffle and warm welcome that everyone enjoyed previously at Birmingham. For further details contact Ken Waters
3rd Dec, 2017Horsham2nd Horsham H.Q., Swindon Road, Horsham RH12 2HF. For partners, shops are open for Christmas purchases within one mile. Details from Richard Taylor.
19th Nov, 2017BristolUPDATE - 5th Nov : Due to unforeseen circumstances the scout HQ will not be open until 9.30 am.229th Bristol Scouts HQ, Raynes Rd, Ashton, Bristol. (by Bristol City Football Stadium). For more info contact Malcolm Smith or Edwin Bessant.
5th Nov, 2017ManchesterScout H.Q, Mirfield Rd, Higher Blackley, Manchester. Details from Freda Clarke.
25th Oct, 2017PortsmouthWednesday meeting PORTSMOUTH The new venue is to be Hilsea Scout Centre, 70 The Ridings, Gatcombe Park, PO2 0UF. 9.00am-3.00pm. Onsite parking is available so no permits required. Hilsea Train Station is nearby and it is on main bus routes going out of the City. Should you require help with directions please contact Richard Spearing.
15th Oct, 2017London16th Wood Green Headquarters, Wolves Lane, Wood Green N22 5JD. Next St Cuthburt’s Church. Usual refreshments available. Information and maps from Brian Gyngell.
15th Oct, 2017Plymouth1st Crownhill Scout H.Q, Details from Steve Bull
8th Oct, 2017Walsall6th Walsall scout HQ Haliwell Brookes Centre, Delves Green Road, Walsall, WS5 4PL.you can always come on Saturday evening and stay overnight at the scout HQ. To get further information you can contact Robert Falconer
8th Oct, 2017Walsall6th Walsall scout HQ Haliwell Brookes Centre, Delves Green Road, Walsall, WS5 4PL. You can always come on Saturday evening and stay overnight at the scout HQ. To get further information you can contact Robert Falconer
1st Oct, 2017LancingThe Scout Hall, 79 Manor Rd. North Lancing, Sussex. BN15 0HG Light refreshments available. Contact Jean Phipps for more info: 01903 761543
1st Oct, 2017Sheffield35th Sheffield (St Oswald’s) Group HQ. Edgefield Road, Sheffield, S7 2BT. South West of City off A621 into Edgedale Rd, turn right Archer Lane, HQ on right.
Car access is via Archer Lane S7 2BU. Tea/coffee. Should you require help with direction please contact John Burden.
18th Sep, 2017SouthendSouthend Estuary H.Q,, Eastern Avenue, Southend-on-Sea, SS2 4BU, Essex., near Wellesly Private Hospital. Details from Keith Rooks-Cowell or Peter Brady.
1st Sep, 2017GilwellGilwell Reunion, 1st-3rd Sept See the Sett for more details
26th Aug, 2017MidhurstWeekend Meeting, 26th-27th
22nd MIDHURST & 36th World Collectors 2-DAY MEET The Grange Centre, Midhurst, West Sussex GU29 9HD. VERY POPULAR ANNUAL EVENT! Combine your trip to Gilwell Reunion! Details from 12 Poplar Way, Midhurst, West Sussex, GU29 9JQ or Trevor Holden
20th Aug, 2017Falkirk1st Falkirk Scout Hall, Pleasance Court, Pleasance,Falkirk F1 1BF. £2 inc Tea & Biscuits. Information from Hamish Scott
9th Jul, 2017Chandlers Ford4th Chandlers Ford H.Q.(Hiltingbury)
Hiltingbury Recreation Centre, Hiltingbury Rd., Chandlers Ford SO53 5NP. Teas & Coffees available , admission £1.50 for Group Funds. Information
John Leeks 01962 881658 mobile 07766622162 or Brian Calver 01202 828419 mobile 07769958111
25th Jun, 2017London16th Wood Green Headquarters, Wolves Lane, Wood Green N22 5JD. Next St Cuthburt’s Church. Usual refreshments available. Information and maps from Brian Gyngell.
9th Jun, 2017ClevelandWeekend Event, 9th-11th Full details from Doug and Susan Corbin.
4th Jun, 2017LancingThe Scout Hall, 79 Manor Rd. North Lancing, Sussex. BN15 0HG Light refreshments available. Contact Jean Phipps for more info: 01903 761543
28th May, 2017Bristol229th Bristol Scouts HQ, Raynes Rd, Ashton, Bristol. (by Bristol City Football Stadium). For more info contact Malcolm Smith or Edwin Bessant.
St Michaels Scout HQ, Stourport-on-Severn, Worcestershire. Contact Tony Dunn.
7th May, 2017NorthamptonNORTHAMPTON MEETING & CLUB AUCTION Parklands Community Centre. Auction starts at 12.00 prompt. Centre charges have risen steeply and this year we will be charging £5.00 per selling table [as normal] and also £1.50 per person [included in selling table fee]. Please book your selling table a.s.a.p. Details from Peter Maryniak.
29th Apr, 2017DorchesterSt George's Church Hall, High Street, Fordington, Dorchester, Dorset, DT1 1LB. 11am till 3.30pm. Hot drinks and biscuits available. The hall is situated behind the church which is quite visible from the road. £1 to include drinks and biscuits.. Details from Meriel Dunham, 14 Manor Rd, Dorchester, DT1 2AU. Please include SAE.
14th Apr, 2017Woodhouse Park, BristolEaster Reunion, 14th-17th April Details from Sally Holingham .
26th Mar, 2017NewarkCANCELLED
Attend either or both, you can stay in Gainsborough HQ on Saturday night if intending to attend Newark on the Sunday.
Contact Johnathon Swatton to book a table and for details of actual venues and travel details
25th Mar, 2017GainsboroughCANCELLED
Attend either or both, you can stay in Gainsborough HQ on Saturday night if intending to attend Newark on the Sunday.
Contact Johnathon Swatton to book a table and for details of actual venues and travel details
3rd Mar, 2017GilwellClub Annual General Meeting Details from Rose Nicholls.
19th Feb, 2017Taunton1st Wellington Scout H.Q. Castle Hall, 6 Fore Street, Wellington, Somerset. Details from Richard Cook.
12th Feb, 2017Feltham3rd Hanworth Scout HQ, Oak Avenue,Hampton, Middlesex, TW12 3QD. Details from Keith Robbins.
22nd Jan, 2017Kidsgrove1st Kidsgrove Scout HQ, The Avenue, Kidsgrove, Stoke-on-Trent,ST7 1AQ. 9am-4pm. Overnight accommodation available in HQ. Bring own sleeping bag, food etc. Kitchen Facilities. For more info contact Dave Swindells
14th Jan, 2017Windsor1st Datchet Sea Scout HQ (experience the new car park!!) Ditton Manor, Ditton Park Rd. Datchet. Details from Jenny and Denis Gudgeon. Light refreshments available all day.
11th Dec, 2016BirminghamCome to Birmingham for the Final Meeting of the year, based at the 261st Birmingham Scout Headquarters. Rear of 150 Yardley Fields Road, Stechford, Birmingham, B33 8QU. The Raffle will as always be the traditional Christmas Draw. Why not bring family members along, and they can visit the now Famous Birmingham German Market, or any of our fine Shopping Centres in Birmingham for that last minute Christmas Shopping. Further details available from kenswaters@btinternet.com
4th Dec, 2016Horsham2nd Horsham H.Q., Swindon Road, Horsham RH12 2HF . For partners, shops are open for Christmas purchases within one mile. Details from Richard Taylor
27th Nov, 2016Bristol229th Bristol Scouts HQ, Raynes Rd, Ashton, Bristol. (by Bristol City Football Stadium). For more info contact 39/93 Malcolm Smith
20th Nov, 2016NorthamptonClub Auction & Meeting Parklands Community Centre. Auction starts at 12.00 prompt. Centre charges have risen steeply and this year we will be charging £5.00 per selling table [as normal] and also £1.50 per person [included in selling table fee]. Please book your selling table a.s.a.p. Details from Peter Maryniak
6th Nov, 2016ManchesterScout H.Q, Mirfield Rd, Higher Blackley, Manchester. Details from Freda Clarke
26th Oct, 2016Southsea/HilseaDue to the Southsea Scout Centre closing down, a change of venue has been arranged for the mid-week meeting on Wednesday October 26 th with the usual times. The new venue is to be Hilsea Scout Centre, 70 The Ridings, Gatcombe Park, PO2 0UF. Onsite parking is available so no permits required. Hilsea Train Station is nearby and it is on main bus routes going out of the City. Should you require help with directions please contact Richard Spearing
16th Oct, 2016London (North)16th Wood Green Headquarters, Wolves Lane, Wood Green N22 5JD Next St Cuthburt’s Church Usual refreshments available Information and maps from Brian Gyngell
16th Oct, 2016Plymouth1st Crownhill Scout H.Q, Details from Steve Bull
9th Oct, 2016Walsall6th Walsall scout HQ Haliwell Brookes Centre,Delves Green Road, Walsall, WS5 4PL. you can always come on saturday evening and stay overnight at the scout HQ. to get further information you can contact Robert Falconer
2nd Oct, 2016LancingThe Scout Hall, Manor Rd, North Lancing, Sussex. BN15 0HG. Details from Jean Phipps, 01903 761543. Light refreshments available
18th Sep, 2016SouthendSouthend Estuary H.Q,, Eastern Avenue, Southend-on-Sea, SS2 4BU, Essex, near Wellesly Private Hospital. Details from Peter Brady
18th Sep, 2016Sheffield35th Sheffield (St Oswald’s) Group HQ. Edgefield Road, Sheffield S7 2BT. South West of City off A621 into Edgedale Rd, turn right Archer Lane, HQ on right. Tea/coffee. There is a limited amount of overnight accommodation available at Dick’s home for visitors from afar. Request Details and Route Maps.(SAE if required by post) from Dick Parrott
2nd Sep, 2016GilwellGilwell Reunion 2nd-4th September 2016
27th Aug, 2016Midhurst2-day meeting, 27th-28th August The Grange Centre, Midhurst, West Sussex GU29 9HD. VERY POPULAR ANNUAL EVENT! Combine your trip to Gilwell Reunion! Details from Chris Hollingham, 31 Egmont, Easebourne Midhurst, West Sussex, GU29 9BG
10th Jul, 2016Chandlers FordCHANDLERS FORD HAMPSHIRE 4th Chandlers Ford H.Q.(Hiltingbury) Hiltingbury Recreation Centre, Hiltingbury Rd., Chandlers Ford SO53 5NP Teas & Coffees available , admission £1.50 for Group Funds. Information John Leeks 01962 881658 mobile 07766622162 or Brian Calver 01202 828419 mobile 07769958111
26th Jun, 2016London (North) 16th Wood Green Headquarters, Wolves Lane, Wood Green N22 5JD Next St Cuthburt’s Church Usual refreshments available Information and maps from Brian Gyngell
17th Jun, 2016ClevelandWeekend Meeting Full details from:- Doug and Susan Corbin
5th Jun, 2016LancingThe Scout Hall, 79 Manor Rd. North Lancing, Sussex. BN15 0HG Light refreshments available. Contact Jean Phipps for more info: 01903 761543
15th May, 2016NorthamptonClub Auction Parklands Community Centre. Auction starts at 12.00 prompt. Centre charges have risen steeply and this year we will be charging £5.00 per selling table [as normal] and also £1.50 per person [included in selling table fee]. Please book your selling table a.s.a.p. Details from Peter Maryniak
8th May, 2016StourportTHE CLIVE HUNTBATCH MEMORIAL MEETING St Michaels Scout HQ, Stourport-on-Severn, Worcestershire. Contact Tony Dunn
1st May, 2016Bristol229th Bristol Scouts HQ, Raynes Rd, Ashton, Bristol. (by Bristol City Football Stadium). For more info contact 39/93 Malcolm Smith
16th Apr, 2016DorchesterSt George's Church Hall, High Street Fordington Dorchester Dorset DT1 1LB. Usual times 10am till 3.30pm Hot drinks and biscuits available. The hall is situated behind the church which is quite visible from the road. £1 to include drinks and biscuits.. Details from Meriel Dunham, 14 Manor Rd, Dorchester, DT1 2AU. Please include SAE.
25th Mar, 2016BristolEaster Reunion 25th-28th March 2016 Woodhouse Park Campsite Details from Sally Holingham
4th Mar, 2016GilwellGilwell 4th-6th March 2016 including the IBC AGM Details from Rose Nicholls
21st Feb, 2016Taunton1st Wellington Scout H.Q. Castle Hall, 6 Fore
Street, Wellington, Somerset. Details from Richard Cook
14th Feb, 2016Feltham3rd Hanworth Scout HQ, Oak Avenue,Hampton, Middlesex, TW12 3QD. 10am-3pm. Details from Keith Robbins
31st Jan, 2016Stoke on Trent1st Kidsgrove Scout HQ, The Avenue, Kidsgrove, Stoke-on-Trent,ST7 1AQ. 9am-4pm. Overnight accommodation available in HQ. Bring own sleeping bag, food etc. Kitchen Facilities. For more info contact Dave Swindells
16th Jan, 2016Windsor1st Datchet Sea Scout HQ (experience the new car park!!) Ditton Manor, Ditton Park Rd. Datchet. Details from Jenny and Denis Gudgeon

Light refreshment available all day.
13th Dec, 2015Birmingham261st Birmingham Scout Headquarters. Rear of 150 Yardley Fields Road, Stechford, Birmingham, B33 8QU.

The Raffle will as always be the traditional Christmas Draw. Why not bring family members along, and they can visit the now Famous Birmingham German Market, or any of our fine Shopping Centres in Birmingham for that last minute Christmas Shopping.

Further details available from Ken Waters
6th Dec, 2015HorshamHORSHAM: 2nd Horsham H.Q., Swindon Road, Horsham RH12 2HF . For partners, shops are open for Christmas purchases within one mile. Details from Richard Taylor
29th Nov, 2015Bristol229th Bristol Scouts HQ, Raynes Rd, Ashton, Bristol. (by Bristol City Football Stadium). For more info contact Malcolm Smith or Edwin Bessant
22nd Nov, 2015NorthamptonMEETING & CLUB AUCTION: Parklands Community Centre. Auction starts at 12.00 prompt. Centre charges have risen steeply and this year we will be charging £5.00 per selling table [as normal] and also £1.50 per person [included in selling table fee]. Please book your selling table a.s.a.p. Details from Peter Maryniak
1st Nov, 2015ManchesterScout H.Q, Mirfield Rd, Higher Blackley, Manchester. Details from Freda Clarke
28th Oct, 2015SouthseaMidweek meeting at Southsea Scout Centre, 18/20 Hambrook Street, Southsea, PO5 3BE. Details from Richard Spearing. Usual timings, 10-3 or when you have had enough!
18th Oct, 2015PlymouthDATE CHANGED
1st Crownhill Scout H.Q, Details from Steve Bull
18th Oct, 2015London16th Wood Green Headquarters, Wolves Lane, Wood Green N22 5JD. Next St Cuthburt’s Church. Usual refreshments available Information and maps from Brian Gyngell
11th Oct, 2015Walsallthe 6th Walsall scout HQ Haliwell Brookes Centre, Delves Green Road, Walsall, WS5 4PL. You can always come on saturday evening and stay overnight at the scout HQ. To get further information, contactRobert Falconer
4th Oct, 2015LancingThe Scout Hall, Manor Rd, North Lancing, Sussex. BN15 0HG. Details from Jean Phipps, 01903 761543. Light refreshments available
4th Oct, 2015Sheffield35th Sheffield (St Oswald’s) Group HQ. Edgefield Road, Sheffield S7 2BT. South West of City off A621 into Edgedale Rd, turn right Archer Lane, HQ on right. Tea/coffee. There is a limited amount of overnight accommodation available at Dick’s home for visitors from afar. Request Details and Route Maps from Dick Parrott
20th Sep, 2015SouthendSouthend Estuary H.Q,, Eastern Avenue, Southend-on-Sea, SS2 4BU, Essex. Near Wellesly Private Hospital. Details from Peter Brady
4th Sep, 2015Gilwell4th-6th, Weekend event
Gilwell Reunion

29th Aug, 2015Midhurst29th-30th, Weekend event

The Grange Centre, Midhurst, West Sussex GU29 9HD. VERY POPULAR ANNUAL EVENT! Combine your trip to Gilwell Reunion! Details from Chris Hollingham, 31 Egmont, Easebourne Midhurst, West Sussex, GU29 9BG
9th Aug, 2015PooleCANCELLED
8th Aug, 2015Ringwood3RD RINGWOOD SCOUT HEADQUARTERS, 88 Eastfield Lane, Ringwood, Hampshire.BH24 1UR Small entry fee to help cover costs £2 pp Tea, Coffee & Biscuits available, Information From :- 4978 Brian Calver
8th Aug, 2015Noordwijkerhout, NetherlandsWeekend Event Saturday 8th Aug - Sunday 9th Aug

34th World Scout and Guide Collectors Meeting

For all the information, please download the PDF
12th Jul, 2015DoncasterDate correction
All Saints Parish Community Centre (55th H.Q.) Cumberland Avenue, Intake, Doncaster DN2 6LL. Details from Martin Johnson. Light refreshments available
5th Jul, 2015SilchesterAmbrose Allen Centre, Franklin Avenue. Tea and coffee available. Details from Peter Symmans, 1 Second Avenue Ravenswing Park, Aldermaston, Berks RG7 4PU
28th Jun, 2015London16th Wood Green Headquarters, Wolves Lane, Wood Green N22 5JD. Next St Cuthburt’s Church. Usual refreshments available Information and maps from Brian Gyngell
12th Jun, 2015Cleveland12th-14th, Weekend event

Full details from:- Doug and Susan Corbin

7th Jun, 2015LancingThe Scout Hall, 79 Manor Rd. North Lancing, Sussex. BN15 0HG Light refreshments available. Contact Jean Phipps for more info: 01903 761543
10th May, 2015StourportSt Michaels Scout HQ, Stourport-on-Severn, Worcestershire. Contact Clive Huntbach, 29 Lowewater Rd, Stourport-on- Severn, Worcestershire., DY13 8LP. SAE Please
3rd May, 2015Bristol229th Bristol Scouts HQ, Raynes Rd, Ashton, Bristol. (by Bristol City Football Stadium). For more info contact Malcolm Smith or Edwin Bessant
11th Apr, 2015DorchesterSt George's Church Hall, High Street Fordington, Dorchester, Dorset, DT1 1LB. Usual times 10am till 3.30pm Hot drinks and biscuits available. The hall is situated behind the church which is quite visible from the road. £1 to include drinks and biscuits.. Details from Meriel Dunham, 14 Manor Rd, Dorchester, DT1 2AU. Please include SAE.
3rd Apr, 2015Woodhouse Park3rd-6th, Weekend event

Contact Mike Breakwell for details
21st Mar, 2015Stirling21st-22nd, Weekend event

Beechwood Scout Centre, Beechwood Park, Stirling, FK8 2AE

Part of a heritage event to show objects from Gilwell and Scottish Collection to our members. Accommodation is free at Beechwood Scout Centre and lots of local B&B - hotels. We can provide food on Saturday evening for a small donation.

To book email David Mitchell
6th Mar, 2015Gilwell6th-8th, Weekend event

Details from Rose Nicholls
22nd Feb, 2015Taunton1st Wellington Scout H.Q. Castle Hall, 6 Fore Street, Wellington, Somerset. Details from Richard Cook
8th Feb, 2015Feltham4th Feltham Scout HQ, 95 High Street Feltham Middlesex For more info contact Keith Robbins
1st Feb, 2015Stoke-On-Trent1st Kidsgrove Scout HQ, The Avenue, Kidsgrove, Stoke-on-Trent, ST7 1AQ. 9am-4pm. Overnight accommodation available in HQ. Bring own sleeping bag, food etc. Kitchen Facilities. For more info contact Dave Swindells
17th Jan, 2015Windsor1st Datchet Sea Scout HQ. For more info contact Jenny and Denis Gudgeon. Map available on request.
14th Dec, 2014BirminghamCome to Birmingham for the Final Meeting of the year, based at the 261st Birmingham Scout Headquarters. Rear of 150 Yardley Fields Road, Stechford, Birmingham, B33 8QU. The Raffle will as always be the traditional Christmas Draw. Why not bring family members along, and they can visit the now Famous Birmingham German Market, or any of our fine Shopping Centres in Birmingham for that last minute Christmas Shopping. Further details available from Ken Waters
7th Dec, 2014Horsham2nd Horsham H.Q., Swindon Road, Horsham RH12 2HF . For partners, shops are open for Christmas purchases within one mile. Details from Richard Taylor
30th Nov, 2014Bristol***DATE CHANGED***
229th Bristol Scouts HQ, Raynes Rd, Ashton, Bristol. (by Bristol City Football Stadium). For more info contact 39/93 Malcolm Smith
16th Nov, 2014NorthamptonNORTHAMPTON MEETING & CLUB AUCTION: Parklands Community Centre. Auction starts at 12.00 prompt. Centre charges have risen steeply and this year we will be charging £5.00 per selling table [as normal] and also £1.50 per person[included in selling table fee]. Please book your selling table a.s.a.p. Details from Peter Maryniak
2nd Nov, 2014ManchesterScout H.Q, Mirfield Rd, Higher Blackley, Manchester. Details from Freda Clarke
29th Oct, 2014SouthseaMidweek meeting at Southsea Scout Centre,
18/20 Hambrook Street, Southsea, PO5 3BE
Details from Richard Spearing. Usual timings, 10-3 or when you have had enough!
19th Oct, 2014LondonScout Park,Gordon Road, Bounds Green, London N11 2PB Close to all Major Routes and transport. Camping etc available on site. Why not stay for weekend. 2 course meal available at the meeting
Information and maps from Brian Gyngell
12th Oct, 2014Walsall6th Walsall scout HQ Haliwell Brookes Centre,Delves Green Road, Walsall, WS5 4PL.you can always come on saturday evening and stay overnight at the scout HQ.to get further information you can contact Robert Falconer
12th Oct, 2014Plymouth1st Crownhill Scout H.Q, Details from Steve Bull
5th Oct, 2014LancingThe Scout Hall, Manor Rd, North Lancing, Sussex. BN15 0HG Details from Jean Phipps, 01903 761543. Light refreshments available
5th Oct, 2014Sheffield35th Sheffield (St Oswald’s) Group HQ. Edgefield Road, Sheffield S7 2BT. South West of City off A621 into Edgedale Rd, turn right Archer Lane, HQ on right. Tea/coffee. There is a limited amount of overnight accommodation available at Dick’s home for visitors from afar. Request Details and Route Maps.(SAE if required by post) from Dick Parrott
21st Sep, 2014SouthendSouthend Estuary H.Q,, Eastern Avenue, Southend-on-Sea, SS2 4BU, Essex., near Wellesly Private Hospital. Details from Peter Brady
5th Sep, 2014GilwellWeekend Event, Friday-Sunday Gilwell Reunion Details from the Events Secretary, Peter Jackson 01562 851228
30th Aug, 2014MidhurstWeekend Meeting, 30th-31st 19th MIDHURST 2-DAY MEET The Grange Centre, Midhurst, West Sussex GU29 9HD. VERY POPULAR ANNUAL EVENT! Combine your trip to Gilwell Reunion! Details from Chris Hollingham, 31 Egmont, Easebourne Midhurst, West Sussex, GU29 9BG
10th Aug, 2014Poole1st Lilliput Sea Scout HQ ,The Slipway ,Turks Lane Poole Dorset BH14 8EW. Plenty of parking, tea & coffee Why not make a weekend of it and visit Brownsea Island
Details from Nigel Chapman
9th Aug, 2014Taastrup, Denmark2014 World Collectors meeting & 10th Euroscout Scout stamp Exhibition august 9th from 9 am. to 4.30 pm august 10th from kl. 9 am to - 1 pm The Venue: Taastrup Kulturcenter, Poppel Allé 12, DK - 2630 Taastrup Tables are 80 Danish kr. per. table, the cost includes 1 official badge from the event. Please let me know if you are participating by writing me an email at: thovir@ncc.dk no later than June 22nd
13th Jul, 2014DoncasterAll Saints Parish Community Centre (55th Doncaster Scout H.Q.) Cumberland Avenue, Intake, Doncaster DN2 6LL Details from Martin Johnson Light refreshments available PLEASE SUPPORT THIS NEW “NORTHERN” MEETING
6th Jul, 2014SilchesterAmbrose Allen Centre, Franklin Avenue. Tea and coffee available. Details from Peter Symmans, 1 Second Avenue Ravenswing Park, Aldermaston, Berks RG7 4PU 01189815924
22nd Jun, 2014LondonScout Park,Gordon Road, Bounds Green, London N11 2PB Close to all Major Routes and transport. Camping etc available on site. Why not stay for weekend. 2 course meal available at the meeting
Information and maps from Brian Gyngell
13th Jun, 2014ClevelandWeekend Meeting, 13th-15th
Full details from Doug and Susan Corbin
1st Jun, 2014LancingThe Scout Hall, 79 Manor Rd. North Lancing, Sussex. BN15 0HG Light refreshments available. Contact Jean Phipps for more info: 01903 761543
18th May, 2014NorthamptonNORTHAMPTON MEETING & CLUB AUCTION: Parklands Community Centre. Auction starts at 12.00 prompt. Centre charges have risen steeply and this year we will be charging £5.00 per selling table [as normal] and also £1.50 per person[included in selling table fee]. Please book your selling table a.s.a.p. Details from Peter Maryniak
11th May, 2014StourportSt Michaels Scout HQ, Stourport-on-Severn, Worcestershire. Contact Clive Huntbach, 29 Lowewater Rd, Stourport-on-Severn, Worcestershire., DY13 8LP. SAE Please
4th May, 2014Bristol229th Bristol Scouts HQ, Raynes Rd, Ashton, Bristol. (by Bristol City Football Stadium). For more info contact 39/93 Malcolm Smith
18th Apr, 2014Woodhouse ParkWeekend Event, Friday-Monday Easter Reunion Details from the Events Secretary, Peter Jackson 01562 851228
6th Apr, 2014CambridgeshireSawtry Youth and Community Centre, Green End Road, Sawtry, Cambs. PE28 5UX. off A1M - Junction 15 between
Huntingdon and Peterborough. Details Neil Fountain
29th Mar, 2014DorchesterNEW VENUE St George\'s Church Hall, High Street Fordington Dorchester Dorset DT1 1LB. Usual times 10am till 3.30pm Hot drinks and biscuits available. The hall is situated behind the church which is quite visible from the road. £1 to include drinks and biscuits.. Details from Meriel Dunham, 14 Manor Rd, Dorchester, DT1 2AU. Please include SAE.
7th Mar, 2014GilwellWeekend Event, Friday-Sunday International Badgers Club AGM Details from the Events Secretary, Peter Jackson 01562 851228
16th Feb, 2014Taunton1st Wellington Scout H.Q. Castle Hall, 6 Fore Street, Wellington, Somerset. Details from Richard Cook
9th Feb, 2014Feltham4th Feltham Scout HQ, 95 High Street Feltham Middlesex Details from Keith Robbins, 26 Stewart Close, Hampton, Middx, TW12 3XJ
26th Jan, 2014Stoke-On-Trent1st Kidsgrove Scout HQ, The Avenue, Kidsgrove, Stoke-on-Trent, ST7 1AQ. 9am-4pm. Overnight accommodation available in HQ. Bring own sleeping bag, food etc. Kitchen Facilities. For more info contact Dave Swindells
18th Jan, 2014Windsor1st Datchet Sea Scout HQ. Details: Jenny and Denis Gudgeon
15th Dec, 2013BirminghamCome to Birmingham for the Final Meeting of the year, based at the 261st Birmingham Scout Headquarters in Stechford Birmingham. The Raffle will as always be the traditional Christmas Draw. Why not bring family members along, and they can visit the now Famous Birmingham German Market, or any of our fine Shopping Centres in Birmingham for that last minute Christmas Shopping. Further details available from Ken Waters
1st Dec, 2013Horsham2nd Horsham H.Q., Swindon Road. For partners, shops are open for Christmas purchases within one mile. Details from Richard Taylor
24th Nov, 2013Bristol229th Bristol Scouts HQ, Raynes Rd, Ashton, Bristol. (by Bristol City Football Stadium). For more info contact 39/93 Malcolm Smith or 3567 Edwin Bessant
17th Nov, 2013NorthamptonMeeting and Club Auction
Parklands Community Centre. Auction starts at 12.00 prompt. Centre charges have risen steeply and this year we will be charging £5.00 per selling table [as normal] and also £1.50 per person[included in selling table fee]. Please book your selling table a.s.a.p. Details from Peter Maryniak
3rd Nov, 2013ManchesterScout H.Q, Mirfield Rd, Higher Blackley, Manchester. Details from Freda Clarke
30th Oct, 2013SouthseaMidweek meeting at Southsea Scout Centre, 18/20 Hambrook Street, Southsea, PO5 3BE Details from Richard Spearing . Usual timings, 10-3 or when you have had enough!
20th Oct, 2013LondonScout Park,Gordon Road, Bounds Green, London N11 2PB Close to all Major Routes and transport. Camping etc available on site. Why not stay for weekend. 2 course meal available at the meeting Information and maps from Brian Gyngell
13th Oct, 2013Plymouth1st Crownhill Scout H.Q, Details from Steve Bull
13th Oct, 2013WalsallWalsall, at the 6th Walsall scout HQ Haliwell Brookes Centre, Delves Green Road, Walsall, WS5 4PL. You can always come on Saturday evening and stay overnight at the scout HQ. To get further information you can contact Robert Falconer, 55 Lodge Road ,Wednesbury West Midlands WS10 7RZ or Brian Marsh, 13 Hollands Road, Blakenall, Walsall, WS3 3AT. SAE please.
6th Oct, 2013Sheffield35th Sheffield (St Oswald’s) Group HQ. Edgefield Road,
Sheffield S7 2BT.
South West of City off A621 into Edgedale Rd, turn right Archer Lane, HQ on right. Tea/coffee. There is a limited amount of overnight accommodation available at Dick’s home for visitors from afar.
Details from Dick Parrott
6th Oct, 2013LancingThe Scout Hall, 79 Manor Rd. North Lancing, Sussex. BN15 0HG Light refreshments available. Contact Jean Phipps for more info: 01903 761543
29th Sep, 2013SnodlandKent Branch at Snodland, Kent 10.00-16.00. 1st Snodland Scout HQ, vehicle access via Clocktower Mews. Light refreshment available. Good parking. Details from Mike Hicks
22nd Sep, 2013SouthendSouthend Estuary H.Q,, Eastern Avenue, Southend-on-Sea, SS2 4BU, Essex., near Wellesly Private Hospital. Details from Keith Rooks-Cowell, 123 Ashurst Ave, Southend-on-Sea, SS2 4TE
6th Sep, 2013GilwellWeekend Event, Friday-Sunday
Gilwell Reunion
Details from the Events Secretary, Peter Jackson 01562 851228
31st Aug, 2013Midhurst18th MIDHURST 2-DAY MEET The Grange Centre, Midhurst, West Sussex GU29 9HD. VERY POPULAR ANNUAL EVENT! Combine your trip to Gilwell Reunion! Details from Chris Hollingham, 31 Egmont, Easebourne Midhurst, West Sussex, GU29 9BG
11th Aug, 2013Poole1st Lilliput Sea Scout HQ ,The Slipway ,Turks Lane Poole Dorset BH14 8EW. Plenty of parking, tea & coffee Why not make a weekend of it and visit Brownsea Island Details from Nigel Chapman
7th Jul, 2013SilchesterAmbrose Allen Centre, Franklin Avenue. Tea and coffee available. Details from Peter Symonds, 1 Second Avenue Ravenswing Park, Aldermaston, Berks RG7 4PU
23rd Jun, 2013LondonScout Park,Gordon Road, Bounds Green, London N11 2PB Close to all Major Routes and transport. Camping etc available on site. Why not stay for weekend. 2 course meal available at the meeting Information and maps from Brian Gyngell
14th Jun, 2013ClevelandWeekend Meeting, 14th-16th Full details from Doug and Susan Corbin
2nd Jun, 2013LancingThe Scout Hall, 79 Manor Rd. North Lancing, Sussex. BN15 0HG Light refreshments available. Contact Jean Phipps for more info: 01903 761543
19th May, 2013NorthamptonMeeting and Club Auction
Parklands Community Centre. Auction starts at 12.00 prompt. Centre charges have risen steeply and this year we will be charging £5.00 per selling table [as normal] and also £1.50 per person[included in selling table fee]. Please book your selling table a.s.a.p. Details from Peter Maryniak
12th May, 2013StourportSt Michaels Scout HQ, Stourport-on-Severn, Worcestershire. Contact Clive Huntbach, 29 Lowewater Rd, Stourport-on-Severn, Worcestershire., DY13 8LP. SAE Please
5th May, 2013Bristol229th Bristol Scouts HQ, Raynes Rd, Ashton, Bristol. (by Bristol City Football Stadium). For more info contact 39/93 Malcolm Smith or 3567 Edwin Bessant
13th Apr, 2013Dorchester10.00-1600. The Scout and Guide Hut, Sawmills Lane, Weymouth Ave, Dorchester, Dorset. Details from Meriel Dunham, 14 Manor Rd, Dorchester, DT1 2AU. Please include SAE.
29th Mar, 2013BristolWeekend Event, Friday-Monday
Easter Reunion
Details from the Events Secretary, Peter Jackson 01562 851228
17th Mar, 2013CambridgeSawtry Youth and Community Centre, Green End Road, Sawtry, Cambs. PE28 5UX. off A1M - Junction 15 between Huntingdon and Peterborough. Details from Neil Fountain
1st Mar, 2013GilwellWeekend Event, Friday-Sunday
International Badgers Club AGM
Details from the Events Secretary, Peter Jackson 01562 851228
17th Feb, 2013Taunton1st Wellington Scout H.Q. Castle Hall, 6 Fore Street, Wellington, Somerset. Details from Richard Cook
3rd Feb, 2013Feltham4th Feltham Scout HQ, 95 High Street Feltham Middlesex Details from Eddie Clark 17 Green Lane, Hanworth, Middlesex TW13 6TN
27th Jan, 2013Stoke-On-Trent1st Kidsgrove Scout HQ, The Avenue, Kidsgrove, Stoke-on-Trent, ST7 1AQ. 9am-3:30pm. Overnight accommodation available in HQ. Bring own bed, food etc. It is hoped to visit a local pub for evening mealon Saturday, please let me know if you want a seat reserving and i will send menu ( seventeen enjoyed dinner last year). For more info contact Dave Swindells
12th Jan, 2013Windsor1st Datchet Sea Scout HQ. Details: Jenny and Denis Gudgeon
9th Dec, 2012BirminghamCome to Birmingham for the Final Meeting of the year, based at the 261st Birmingham Scout Headquarters in Stechford Birmingham. The Raffle will as always be the traditional Christmas Draw. Why not bring Family members along, and they can visit the now Famous Birmingham German Market, or any of our fine Shopping Centres in Birmingham for that last minute Christmas Shopping. Further details available from Ken Waters
2nd Dec, 2012Horsham2nd Horsham H.Q., Swindon Road. For partners, shops are open for Christmas purchases within one mile. Raffle of unwanted quality "free gifts" from various mail order companies. Details from John Morton
25th Nov, 2012Bristol229th Bristol Scouts HQ, Raynes Rd, Ashton, Bristol. (by Bristol City Football Stadium). For more info contact 3567 Edwin Bessant
18th Nov, 2012NorthamptonMeeting and Club Auction
Parklands Community Centre. Auction starts at 11am (NOT 12 as previously advertised) prompt. Centre charges have risen steeply and this year we will be charging £5.00 per selling table [as normal] and also £1.50 per person[included in selling table fee]. Please book your selling table a.s.a.p. Details from Peter Maryniak
31st Oct, 2012SouthseaWednesday meeting. Southsea Scout Centre, 18/20 Hambrook Street, Southsea PO5 3BE Details from Richard Spearing
28th Oct, 2012ManchesterScout H.Q, Mirfield Rd, Higher Blackley, Manchester. Details from Freda Clarke
21st Oct, 2012LondonScout Park,Gordon Road, Bounds Green, London N11 2PB Close to all Major Routes and transport. Camping etc available on site. Why not stay for weekend. 2 course meal available at the meeting Information and maps from Brian Gyngell
19th Oct, 2012Leuven, Belgium21th European Scout & Guide Collectors Meeting – 2012
3 Day meeting, Friday-Sunday

We gladly invite you on our 21th European Scout & Guide Collectors Meeting.
This is a swap market where both, starting and specialised collectors always find what they are looking for…
Just wandering around and enjoying what has been displayed on the more than 100 swap tables is also an adventure.
Once again we expect participants from over 10 countries…

Where to find us?
Koninklijk Atheneum, Redingenstraat 90, 3000 Leuven (the same as last year).


Friday, October 19th, 2012: The “Scouts en Gidsen Museum” will be open from 17.00h till 21.00h.

Saturday, October 20th, 2012: European Collectors Meeting from 09.00h till 16.00h. – Free entrance. The “Scouts en Gidsen Museum” will only be open from 17.00 till 19.00h

Sunday, October 21st, 2012: The “Scouts en Gidsen Museum” (St-Geertruiabdij nr 5), will also be open from 14.00 till 18.00 h (02.00 till 06.00 pm).

Hiring tables: (Pre)Registration before October 10th, 2012: payment of € 7.00 per table on the account number of the Museum: IBAN: BE53 2300 0552 2653 BIC: GEBABEBB Payment on spot: € 8.00 / table

Reservations: Johan Doperé
14th Oct, 2012Plymouth1st Crownhill Scout H.Q, Details from Steve Bull
14th Oct, 2012Walsall2nd Walsall Scout Headquarters, Haliwell Brookes Centre, Delves Green Road, Walsall WS5 4LP to get further info from Robert Falconer 55 Lodge Road Wednesbury West Midlands WS10 7RZ or Brian Marsh 13 Hollands Road, Blakenall, Walsall WS3 3AT. SAE Please.
7th Oct, 2012Sheffield164th Sheffield Group HQ. Upper Gate Road, Stannington, Sheffield S6 6BY. Light snacks,Tea/coffee. There is a limited amount of overnight accommodation available at Dicks home for visitors from afar. Details from Dick Parrott
7th Oct, 2012LancingThe Scout Hall, Manor Rd, North Lancing, Sussex. BN15 0HG Details from Jean Phipps, 01903 761543. Light refreshments available.
30th Sep, 2012SnodlandKent Branch at Snodland, Kent 10.00-16.00. 1st Snodland Scout HQ, vehicle access via Clocktower Mews. Light refreshment available. Good parking. Details from John Clegg 01843 871437. The existing building is due to be demolished in 2009 and a purpose built Headquarters erected in its place, with more space for this very popular meeting.
23rd Sep, 2012Farnborough1st Cove Scout Headquarters, Fleet Road, Farnborough GU14 9RB from 10.00-16.00. Refreshments will be available along with a warm welcome. Details from Richard Spearing
23rd Sep, 2012SouthendSouthendEstuary H.Q., Eastern Avenue, Southend-on-Sea, SS2 4BU, Essex, near Wellesley Private Hospital. Details From Keith Rooks-Cowell
7th Sep, 2012GilwellFriday-Sunday Meeting, Gilwell Reunion
Details from Peter Jackson 01562 851228
1st Sep, 2012MidhurstSaturday-Sunday Meeting The Grange Centre, Midhurst, West Sussex GU29 9HD. VERY POPULAR ANNUAL EVENT! Combine your trip to Gilwell Reunion! Details from Chris Hollingham, 31 Egmont, Easebourne Midhurst, West Sussex, GU29 9BG
12th Aug, 2012Poole1st Lilliput Sea Scout HQ ,The Slipway ,Turks Lane, Poole, Dorset, BH14 8EW. Plenty of parking, tea & coffee Why not make a weekend of it and visit Brownsea Island Details from Nigel Chapman
1st Jul, 2012SilchesterAmbrose Allen Centre, Franklin Avenue. Tea and coffee available. Details from Peter Symmans 01189 815 924
24th Jun, 2012LondonScout Park,Gordon Road, Bounds Green, London N11 2PB Close to all Major Routes and transport. Camping etc available on site. Why not stay for weekend. 2 course meal available at the meeting
Information and maps from Brian Gyngell
15th Jun, 2012ClevelandFriday-Sunday Meeting Full details from:- Doug and Susan Corbin
3rd Jun, 2012LancingThe Scout Hall, Manor Rd, North Lancing, Sussex. BN15 0HG Details from Jean Phipps, 01903 761543. Light refreshments available.
27th May, 2012GravesendRosherville Scout HQ, Gravesend. For further info see the attachments, INFO MAP (right click to save file to your PC)
20th May, 2012NorthamptonCANCELLEDMeeting and Club Auction
Parklands Community Centre. Auction starts at 12.00 prompt. Centre charges have risen steeply and this year we will be charging £5.00 per selling table [as normal] and also £1.50 per person[included in selling table fee]. Please book your selling table a.s.a.p. Details from Peter Maryniak
13th May, 2012StourportSt Michaels Scout HQ, Stourport-on-Severn, Worcestershire. Contact Clive Huntbach, 29 Lowewater Rd, Stourport-on-Severn, Worcestershire., DY13 8LP. SAE Please
6th May, 2012Bristol229th Bristol Scouts HQ, Raynes Rd, Ashton, Bristol. (by Bristol City Football Stadium). For more info contact 3567 Edwin Bessant
6th Apr, 2012Woodhouse ParkFriday-Sunday Meeting, Easter Reunion. Details from Peter Jackson 01562 851228
1st Apr, 2012Dorchester10.00-1600. The Scout and Guide Hut, Sawmills Lane, Weymouth Ave, Dorchester, Dorset. Details by SAE from Meriel Dunham, 14 Manor Rd, Dorchester, DT1 2AU.
25th Mar, 2012UskCANCELLEDWELSH MEETING. 1st Usk Scout Group HQ, Maryport Street, Usk Gwent NP15 1AD. Details Mike Breakwell
18th Mar, 2012CambridgeSawtry Youth and Community Centre, Green End Road, Sawtry, Cambs. PE28 5UX. off A1M - Junction 15 between Huntingdon and Peterborough. Details from Neil Fountain
2nd Mar, 2012GilwellFriday-Saturday Meeting followed by the Club AGM. Details from Peter Jackson 01562 851228
19th Feb, 2012Taunton1st Wellington Scout H.Q. Castle Hall, 6 Fore Street, Wellington, Somerset. Details from Richard Cook
5th Feb, 2012Feltham4th Feltham Scout HQ, 95 High Street Feltham Middlesex Details from Eddie Clark 17 Green Lane, Hanworth, Middlesex TW13 6TN. (No hot meals this year)
22nd Jan, 2012Stoke-On-Trent1st Kidsgrove Scout HQ, The Avenue, Kidsgrove, Stoke-on-Trent, ST7 1AQ. 9am-4pm. Overnight accommodation available in HQ. Bring own sleeping bag, food etc. Kitchen Facilities. For more info contact Dave Swindells
14th Jan, 2012Windsor1st Datchet Sea Scout HQ, Ditton Manor, Ditton Park Road, SL3 7JF.

Details from Jenny & Denis Gudgeon
1st Jan, 2012GilwellFriday-Sunday Meeting, Gilwell Reunion. Details from Peter Jackson 01562 851228
11th Dec, 2011BirminghamDetails from Angie & Ken Waters
4th Dec, 2011Horsham2nd Horsham H.Q., Swindon Road. For partners,
shops are open for Christmas purchases within one mile. Raffle of
unwanted quality "free gifts" from various mail order companies.
Details from John Morton
27th Nov, 2011Bristol229th Bristol Scouts HQ, Raynes Rd, Ashton, Bristol. (by
Bristol City Football Stadium). For more info contact 3567 Edwin Bessant
16th Nov, 2011SouthseaSouthsea Scout Centre, 18/20 Hambrook Street, Southsea, PO5 3BE. 10.30 until they've had enough. I will also show people around the local area if required. Details from Richard Spearing
6th Nov, 2011NorthamptonMeeting and Auction
Community Centre. Auction starts at 12.00 prompt. Centre charges
have risen steeply and this year we will be charging £5.00 per selling
table [as normal] and also £1.50 per person[included in selling table
fee]. Please book your selling table a.s.a.p. Details from Peter Maryniak
30th Oct, 2011ManchesterScout H.Q, Mirfield Rd, Higher Blackley,
Manchester. Details from Freda Clarke, 60 Medway Crescent,
Altrincham, Cheshire. WA14 4UB. S.A.E Please.
16th Oct, 2011LondonScout Park,Gordon Road, Bounds Green, London N11
2PB Close to all Major Routes and transport. Camping etc available
on site. Why not stay for weekend. Hot meal available at the meeting
Information and maps from Brian Gyngell
9th Oct, 2011Walsall2nd Walsall Scout H.Q, Haliwell
Brookes Centre, Delves Green Rd, Walsall. Info from Robert
Falconer, 55 Lodge Rd, Wednesbury, West Midlands, WS10 7RZ,
OR Brian Marsh, 13 Hollands Rd, Blakenhall, Walsall WS3 3AT.
9th Oct, 2011Plymouth1st Crownhill Scout H.Q, Details from Steve Bull
2nd Oct, 2011Sheffield164th Sheffield Group HQ. Upper Gate Road, Stannington, Sheffield S6 6BY. Light snacks,Tea/coffee. There is a
limited amount of overnight accommodation available at Dicks home
for visitors from afar. Details from Dick Parrott
2nd Oct, 2011LancingThe Scout Hall, Manor Rd, North Lancing, Sussex.
BN15 0HG Details from Jean Phipps, 01903 761543. Light
refreshments available.
25th Sep, 2011SnodlandKent Branch at Snodland, Kent 10.00-16.00. 1st Snodland Scout HQ, vehicle access via Clocktower Mews. Light refreshment available. Good parking. Details from John Clegg 01843 871437. The existing building is due to be demolished in 2009 and a purpose built Headquarters erected in its place, with up to date facilities, and hopefully more space for this very popular meeting.
18th Sep, 2011SouthendSouthend Estuary H.Q,, Eastern Avenue, Southend-on-Sea, SS2 4BU, Essex., near Wellesly Private Hospital. Details from Keith Rooks-Cowell, 123 Ashurst Ave, Southend-on-Sea, SS2 4TE
2nd Sep, 2011GilwellReunion - Weekend Meeting, 2-4th
Details from Peter Jackson 01562 851228
27th Aug, 2011MidhurstWeekend Meeting, 27-28th
The Grange Centre, Midhurst, West Sussex GU29 9HD. VERY POPULAR ANNUAL EVENT! Combine your trip to Gilwell Reunion! Details from Chris Hollingham, 31 Egmont, Easebourne Midhurst, West Sussex, GU29 9BG
10th Jul, 2011Gainsborough6th Gainsborough Sea Scout HQ, Love Lane, Gainsborough, DN21 2SU. 10am-3pm. HQ will be open from 8.30am.
Further details from Jonathan Swatton
3rd Jul, 2011SilchesterAmbrose Allen Centre, Franklin Avenue. Tea and coffee available. Details from Tim Jenkins, 1 Wormstall Cottages, Greensward Lane, Arborfield, Reading, RG2 9JP
26th Jun, 2011LondonScout Park,Gordon Road, Bounds Green, London N11 2PB Close to all Major Routes and transport. Camping etc available on site. Why not stay for weekend. 2 course meal available at the meeting
Information and maps from Brian Gyngell
18th Jun, 2011ClevelandWeekend Meeting 18-19th TBC
Full details from:- Doug and Susan Corbin
5th Jun, 2011LancingThe Scout Hall, 79 Manor Rd. North Lancing, Sussex. BN15 0HG Light refreshments available. Contact Jean Phipps for more info: 01903 761543
22nd May, 2011NorthamptonMEETING & CLUB AUCTION
Parklands Community Centre. Auction starts at 12.00 prompt. Centre charges have risen steeply and this year we will be charging £5.00 per selling table [as normal] and also £1.50 per person[included in selling table fee]. Please book your selling table a.s.a.p. Details from Peter Maryniak
15th May, 2011StourportSt Michaels Scout HQ, Stourport-on-Severn, Worcestershire. Contact Clive Huntbach, 29 Lowewater Rd, Stourport-on-Severn, Worcestershire., DY13 8LP. SAE Please
8th May, 2011AshfordKent Branch at Barn Platt, Ashford, Kent. From 10.00 – 16.00. Hot snacks available with tea or coffee. At the 2008 Branch A.G.M it was decided a small charge will be made for entrance. Details from: Pam Packman, 6 Lake Mead, Singleton Village, Ashford, Kent TN33 4XX, or John Clegg, 44 Dane Court Gardens, St Peters, Broadstairs, Kent, CT10 2SD.
1st May, 2011Bristol229th Bristol Scouts HQ, Raynes Rd, Ashton, Bristol. (by Bristol City Football Stadium). For more info contact 3567 Edwin Bessant
22nd Apr, 2011Easter Reunion22-25th April Weekend Meeting
Details from the Events Secretary, Peter Jackson 01562 851228
17th Apr, 2011SouthamptonHQ of the 13th Itchen North Scout Group in Baden Powell Lodge, Pavillion Road, Woodhouse Lane, Botley SO30 2EZ from 10.00-16.00. Refreshments will be available along with a warm welcome. There will be a display from Hampshire Scout Heritage of some of the items in their collection. The venue is near Junction 7 on the M27 and is nearest to Hedge End Railway Station Details from Richard Spearing
10th Apr, 2011Dorchester10.00-1600. The Scout and Guide Hut, Sawmills Lane, Weymouth Ave, Dorchester, Dorset. Details from Muriel Dunham, 14 Manor Rd, Dorchester, DT1 2AU. Please include SAE.
27th Mar, 2011UskWELSH MEETING. 1st Usk Scout Group HQ, Maryport Street, Usk Gwent NP15 1AD. Details Mike Breakwell
20th Mar, 2011CambsSawtry Youth and Community Centre, Green End Road, Sawtry, Cambs. PE28 5UX. off A1M - Junction 15 between Huntingdon and Peterborough. Details Neil Fountain
13th Mar, 2011DartfordKent Branch at Scout HQ, Broomhill Rd, Dartford. 10.00 – 16.00. Tea, coffee and biscuits available. Small admission charge. Details from John Clegg 01843 871437 OR Andrew McLain 01322 277960
4th Mar, 2011GilwellAGM Weekend Meeting, 4th-6th March
Details from the Events Secretary, Peter Jackson 01562 851228
20th Feb, 2011Taunton1st Wellington Scout H.Q. Castle Hall, 6 Fore Street, Wellington, Somerset. Details from Richard Cook
6th Feb, 2011Feltham4th Feltham Scout HQ, 95 High Street Feltham Middlesex Details from Eddie Clark 17 Green Lane, Hanworth, Middlesex TW13 6TN. Hot refreshments!!!
23rd Jan, 2011Stoke-On-Trent1st Kidsgrove Scout HQ, The Avenue, Kidsgrove, Stoke-on-Trent, ST7 1AQ. 9am-4pm. Overnight accommodation available in HQ. Bring own sleeping bag, food etc. Kitchen Facilities. For more info contact Dave Swindells
15th Jan, 2011Windsor1st Datchet Sea Scout HQ. Details: Jenny and Denis Gudgeon, 2 Elm Croft. Datchet, SLOUGH, Berks SL3 9DS e-mail jenny.denis@btinternet.com
12th Dec, 2010BirminghamDetails from Angie & Ken Waters
5th Dec, 2010Horsham2nd Horsham H.Q., Swindon Road. For partners, shops are open for Christmas purchases within one mile. Raffle of unwanted quality "free gifts" from various mail order companies. Details from John Morton.
21st Nov, 2010Bristol229th Bristol Scouts HQ, Raynes Rd, Ashton, Bristol. (by Bristol City Football Stadium). For more info contact 3567 Edwin Bessant.
7th Nov, 2010NorthamptonClub Auction !!Change of Date!!

Parklands Community Centre. Auction starts at 12.00 prompt. Centre charges have risen steeply and this year we will be charging £5.00 per selling table [as normal] and also £1.50 per person[included in selling table fee]. Please book your selling table a.s.a.p. Details from Peter Maryniak
31st Oct, 2010ManchesterScout H.Q, Mirfield Rd, Higher Blackley, Manchester. Details from Freda Clarke, 60 Medway Crescent, Altrincham, Cheshire, WA14 4UB. S.A.E Please.
24th Oct, 2010UskCANCELLED
17th Oct, 2010LondonScout Park,Gordon Road, Bounds Green, London N11 2PB Close to all Major Routes and transport. Camping etc available on site. Why not stay for weekend. Hot meal available at the meeting
Information and maps from Brian Gyngell.
10th Oct, 2010Walsall2nd Walsall Scout H.Q, Haliwell Brookes Centre, Delves Green Rd, Walsall. Info from Robert Falconer, 55 Lodge Rd, Wednesbury, West Midlands, WS10 7RZ, OR Brian Marsh, 13 Hollands Rd, Blakenhall, Walsall WS3 3AT. S.A.E PLEASE!
10th Oct, 2010Plymouth1st Crownhill Scout H.Q, Details from Steve Bull.
3rd Oct, 2010Sheffield164th Sheffield Group HQ. Upper Gate Road, Stannington, Sheffield S6 6BY. Light snacks,Tea/coffee. There is a limited amount of overnight accommodation available at Dicks home for visitors from afar. Details from Dick Parrott.
3rd Oct, 2010LancingThe Scout Hall, Manor Rd, North Lancing, Sussex. BN15 0HG
Details from Jean Phipps, 01903 761543.
Light refreshments available.
26th Sep, 2010SnodlandKent Branch at Snodland, Kent 10.00-16.00. 1st Snodland Scout HQ, vehicle access via Clocktower Mews. Light refreshment available. Good parking. Details from John Clegg 01843 871437.

The existing building was due to be demolished in 2009 and a purpose built Headquarters erected in its place, with up to date facilities, and hopefully more space for this very popular meeting.
19th Sep, 2010SouthendSouthend Estuary H.Q,, Eastern Avenue, Southend-on-Sea, SS2 4BU, Essex., near Wellesly Private Hospital. Details from Keith Rooks-Cowell, 123 Ashurst Ave, Southend-on-Sea, SS2 4TE
3rd Sep, 2010GilwellGilwell Reunion
Weekend meeting, 3rd-5th September 2010

Details from Peter Jackson 01562 851228
28th Aug, 2010MidhurstWeekend meeting, 28th-29th August 2010

The Grange Centre, Midhurst, West Sussex GU29 9HD. VERY POPULAR ANNUAL EVENT! Combine your trip to Gilwell Reunion! Details from Chris Hollingham, 31 Egmont, Easebourne Midhurst, West Sussex, GU29 9BG
11th Jul, 2010Gainsborough6th Gainsborough Sea Scout HQ, Love Lane, Gainsborough, DN21 2SU. 10am-3pm.
HQ will be open from 8.30am.
Further details from Jonathan Swatton.
4th Jul, 2010SilchesterAmbrose Allen Centre, Franklin Avenue. Tea and coffee available. Details from Tim Jenkins, 1 Wormstall Cottages, Greensward Lane, Arborfield, Reading, RG2 9JP.
27th Jun, 2010LondonScout Park,Gordon Road, Bounds Green, London N11 2PB Close to all Major Routes and transport. Camping etc available on site. Why not stay for weekend. 2 course meal available at the meeting
Information and maps from Brian Gyngell
18th Jun, 2010ClevelandWeekend meeting, 18th-20th June

Self catering camping can be arranged for the week before and after the weekend by arrangement.
Full details from Doug and Susan Corbin.
6th Jun, 2010LancingThe Scout Hall, 79 Manor Rd. North Lancing, Sussex. BN15 0HG Light refreshments available. Contact Jean Phipps for more info: 01903 761543
23rd May, 2010NorthamptonClub Auction

Parklands Community Centre. Auction starts at 12.00 prompt. Centre charges have risen steeply and this year we will be charging £5.00 per selling table [as normal] and also £1.50 per person[included in selling table fee]. Please book your selling table a.s.a.p. Details from Peter Maryniak.
16th May, 2010StourportSt Michaels Scout HQ, Stourport-on-Severn, Worcestershire. Contact Clive Huntbach, 29 Lowewater Rd, Stourport-on-Severn, Worcestershire., DY13 8LP. SAE Please.
9th May, 2010DartfordKent Branch at Scout HQ, Broomhill Rd, Dartford. 10.00 – 16.00. Tea, coffee and biscuits available. Small admission charge. Details from John Clegg 01843 871437 OR Andrew McLain 01322 277960
2nd May, 2010Bristol229th Bristol Scouts HQ, Raynes Rd, Ashton, Bristol. (by Bristol City Football Stadium). For more info contact 3567 Edwin Bessant.
11th Apr, 2010Dorchester10.00-1600. The Scout and Guide Hut, Sawmills Lane, Weymouth Ave, Dorchester, Dorset. Details from Muriel Dunham, 14 Manor Rd, Dorchester, DT1 2AU. Please include SAE.
3rd Apr, 2010BristolEaster Reunion
Woodhouse Park, 3rd-5th April 2010

Details from the Events Secretary, Peter Jackson 01562 851228
21st Mar, 2010CambridgeCAMBS MEETING. Sawtry Youth and Community Centre, Green End Road, Sawtry, Cambs. PE28 5UX. off A1M - Junction 15 between Huntingdon and Peterborough. Details from Neil Fountain.
14th Mar, 2010DartfordVenue changed between November & January Sett DARTFORD – Kent Branch at Scout HQ, Broomhill Rd, Dartford. 10.00 – 16.00. Tea, coffee and biscuits available. Small admission charge. Details from John Clegg 01843 871437 OR Andrew McLain 01322 277960
5th Mar, 2010GilwellClub AGM Weekend
5th-7th March 2010

Details from the Events Secretary, Peter Jackson 01562 851228
21st Feb, 2010Taunton1st Wellington Scout H.Q. Castle Hall, 6 Fore Street, Wellington, Somerset. Details from Richard Cook.
7th Feb, 2010Feltham4th Feltham Scout HQ, 95 High Street Feltham Middlesex Details from Eddie Clark 17 Green Lane, Hanworth, Middlesex TW13 6TN. Hot refreshments!!!
24th Jan, 2010Stoke-On-Trent1st Kidsgrove Scout HQ, The Avenue, Kidsgrove, Stoke-on-Trent, ST7 1AQ. 9am-4pm. Overnight accommodation available in HQ. Bring own sleeping bag, food etc. Kitchen Facilities. For more info contact Dave Swindells.
16th Jan, 2010Windsor1st Datchet Sea Scout HQ. Details: Jenny and Denis Gudgeon. Map available on request.
13th Dec, 2009BirminghamDetails from Angie & Ken Waters
6th Dec, 2009Horsham2nd Horsham H.Q., Swindon Road. For partners, shops are open for Christmas purchases within one mile. Raffle of unwanted quality "free gifts" from various mail order companies. Details from John Morton
22nd Nov, 2009Bristol229th Bristol Scouts HQ, Raynes Rd, Ashton, Bristol. (by Bristol City Football Stadium). For more info contact 3567 Edwin Bessant
15th Nov, 2009NorthamptonClub Auction
Parklands Community Centre. Auction starts at 12.00 prompt. Centre charges have risen steeply and this year we will be charging £5.00 per selling table [as normal] and also £1.50 per person[included in selling table fee]. Please book your selling table a.s.a.p. Details from auctioneer@intbc.org
1st Nov, 2009ManchesterScout H.Q, Mirfield Rd, Higher Blackley, Manchester. Details from Freda Clarke, 60 Medway Crescent, Altrincham, Cheshire. WA14 4UB. S.A.E Please. 0161 9289731
18th Oct, 2009LondonScout Park,Gordon Road, Bounds Green, London N11 2PB Close to all Major Routes and transport. Camping etc available on site. Why not stay for weekend. Hot meal available at the meeting Information and maps from Brian Gyngell
11th Oct, 2009Walsall2nd Walsall Scout H.Q, Haliwell Brookes Centre, Delves Green Rd, Walsall. Info from Robert Falconer, 55 Lodge Rd, Wednesbury, West Midlands, WS10 7RZ, OR Brian Marsh, 13 Hollands Rd, Blakenhall, Walsall WS3 3AT. S.A.E PLEASE!
11th Oct, 2009Plymouth1st Crownhill Scout H.Q, Details from Steve Bull, 8 Fountains Crescent, Pennycross, Plymouth, PL2 3RA, Devon. E-mail: Steve Bull.
4th Oct, 2009SheffieldSheffield City H.Q, (above SGS Outdoors Store), Trippet Lane, near the City Centre. Tea/coffee supplied by the Fellowship, bring your own food. There is a limited amount of overnight accommodation available at Dicks home for visitors from afar. Details from Dick Parrott.
4th Oct, 2009LancingVenue Changed!!
The Scout Hall, Manor Road, Lancing, Sussex. Details from Jean Phipps, 01903 761543. Light refreshments available.
27th Sep, 2009SnodlandKent Branch at Snodland, Kent 10.00-16.00. 1st Snodland Scout HQ, vehicle access via Clocktower Mews. Light refreshment available. Good parking. Details from John Clegg 01843 871437. The existing building is due to be demolished in 2009 and a purpose built Headquarters erected in its place, with up to date facilities, and hopefully more space for this very popular meeting.
20th Sep, 2009Southend-on-SeaSouthend Estuary H.Q,, Eastern Avenue, Southend-on-Sea, SS2 4BU, Essex., near Wellesly Private Hospital. Details from Keith Rooks-Cowell, 123 Ashurst Ave, Southend-on-Sea, SS2 4TE
4th Sep, 2009GilwellGilwell Reunion
Weekend Meeting, 4th-6th

Details from Peter Jackson 01562 851228
29th Aug, 2009MidhurstWeekend Meeting, 29th-30th
VENUE CHANGE The Grange Centre, Midhurst, West Sussex, GU29 9HD VERY POPULAR ANNUAL EVENT! Combine your trip to Gilwell Reunion! Full details from: Chris Hollingham, House, Midhurst Sports, West St, Midhurst, West Sussex GU29 9NF.
12th Jul, 2009Gainsborough6th Gainsborough Sea Scout HQ, Love Lane, Gainsborough, DN21 2SU. 10am-3pm. HQ will be open from 8.15am.
Further details from Jonathan Swatton
5th Jul, 2009SilchesterAmbrose Allen Centre, Franklin Avenue. Tea and coffee available. Details from Tim Jenkins, 1 Wormstall Cottages, Greensward Lane, Arborfield, Reading, RG2 9JP 01189760907
28th Jun, 2009LondonScout Park, Gordon Rd, Bouds Green, London N11 2PB. Info and map from Brian Gyngell. Near all major routes. Camping and Hot meal available.
20th Jun, 2009ClevelandCANCELLED
Details from Peter Jackson 01562 851 228
7th Jun, 2009LancingThe Scout Hall, South Street, Lancing, Sussex. Light refreshments available. Contact Jean Phipps for more info: 01903 761543
17th May, 2009StourportCLUB AUCTION
St Michaels Scout HQ, Stourport-on-Severn, Worcestershire. Contact Clive Huntbach, 29 Lowewater Rd, Stourport-on-Severn, Worcestershire., DY13 8LP. SAE Please
10th May, 2009DartfordKent Branch at Scout HQ, Broomhill Rd, Dartford. 10.00 ? 16.00. Tea, coffee and biscuits available. Small admission charge. Details from John Clegg 01843 871437 OR Andrew McLain 01322 277960
3rd May, 2009Bristol229th Bristol Scouts HQ, Raynes Rd, Ashton, Bristol. (by Bristol City Football Stadium). For more info contact 3567 Edwin Bessant.
10th Apr, 2009Woodhouse ParkFriday 10th April - Monday 13th April
Woodhouse Park Scout Campsite. Details from Peter Jackson
5th Apr, 2009Dorchester10.00-1600. The Scout and Guide Hut, Sawmills Lane, Weymouth Ave, Dorchester, Dorset. Details from Muriel Dunham, 14 Manor Rd, Dorchester, DT1 2AU. Please include SAE.
15th Mar, 2009DartfordVenue changed between November & January Sett DARTFORD – Kent Branch at Scout HQ, Broomhill Rd, Dartford. 10.00 – 16.00. Tea, coffee and biscuits available. Small admission charge. Details from John Clegg 01843 871437 OR Andrew McLain 01322 277960
6th Mar, 2009GilwellWeekend Meeting, Friday 6th - Sunday 8th
Details from the Events Secretary, Peter Jackson
22nd Feb, 2009TauntonTAUNTON ANNUAL MEETING at 1st Wellington Scout H.Q. Castle Hall, 6 Fore Street, Wellington, Somerset. Details from Richard Cook.
8th Feb, 2009Feltham4th Feltham Scout HQ, 95 High Street Feltham, Middlesex.
Details from Eddie Clark, 17 Green Lane, Hanworth, Middlesex, TW13 6TN.
Hot refreshments!!!
25th Jan, 2009Stoke-On-Trent1st Kidsgrove Scout HQ, The Avenue, Kidsgrove, Stoke-on-Trent, ST7 1AQ. 9am-4pm. Overnight accommodation available in HQ. Bring own sleepting bag, food etc. Kitchen Facilities. For more info contact David Swindells.
17th Jan, 2009Windsor1st Datchet Sea Scout HQ. Details from Jenny & Denis Gudgeon.
14th Dec, 2008Birmingham261st Scout HQ, off Yardley Fields Road. NEW this year if you wish to travel over and stay Saturday evening? We can arrange for you to stay at a smaller Scout Headquarters nearby ( 1/2 mile away ) Contact Ken Waters
7th Dec, 2008Horsham2nd Horsham H.Q., Swindon Road. For partners, shops are open for Christmas purchases within one mile. Raffle of unwanted quality "free gifts" from various mail order companies. Details from John Morton
6th Dec, 2008PortsmouthCANCELLED!

23rd Nov, 2008Bristol229th Bristol Scouts HQ, Raynes Rd, Ashton, Bristol. (by Bristol City Football Stadium). For more info contact 3567 Edwin Bessant.
16th Nov, 2008NorthamptonClub Auction
Parklands Community Centre, Northampton.
Auction commences at 12:00 prompt. Further details available from Peter Maryniak
2nd Nov, 2008ManchesterScout HQ., Mirfield Road, Higher Blackley, Manchester.
Further details by SAE from Freda Clarke, 60 Medway Crescent, Altrincham, Cheshire, WA14 4UB.
26th Oct, 2008Scottish BordersGalashiels Scout Centre, St. John Street, Galashiels. Further details available from Derek Wilson
19th Oct, 2008LondonScout Park, Gordon Rd, Bounds Green, London, N11 2PB. Near all major routes. Camping and hot meal available. Information and maps from Brian Gyngell.
12th Oct, 2008Walsall2nd Walsall Scout HQ., Halliwell Brookes Centre, Delves Green Road, Walsall.
Further details by SAE from Robert Falconer, 55 Lodge Road, Wednesbury, West Midlands, WS10 7RZ.
12th Oct, 2008Plymouth1st Crownhill Scout HQ.
Further details from Steven Bull
5th Oct, 2008SheffieldSheffield City HQ. (above the Scout shop), Trippet Lane, Sheffield.
Further details from Dick Parrott
5th Oct, 2008LancingScout Hall, South Street, Lancing.
Details from Jean Phipps, 01903 761543.
28th Sep, 2008SnodlandKent Branch at Snodland, 1st Snodland Scout HQ, vehicle access via Clocktower Mews.
Further details by SAE from John Clegg, 44 Dane Court Gardens, St. Peters, Broadstaris, Kent, CT10 2SD.
21st Sep, 2008SouthendSouthend Estuary HQ., Eastern Avenue, Southend On See, SS2 4DU.
Further details by SAE from Keith Rooks-Cowell, 123 Ashurst Avenue, Thorpe Bay, Essex, SS2 4TE.
5th Sep, 2008Gilwell5th - 7th September
Gilwell Reunion
For more details, see The Sett
30th Aug, 2008Midhurst2 DAY MEET
1st Easebourne Scout H.Q, Midhurst, West Sussex, England. Very popular annual event, combine with your trip to Gilwell Reunion! For full details contact Chris Hollingham, House, Midhurst Sports, West St, Midhurst, W.Sussex, GU29 9NF.
13th Jul, 2008GainsboroughSea Scout HQ., Love Lane, Gainsborough, Lincs, DN21 2SG. 10.00am - 3.00 pm Furhter details from Jonathan Swatton, 0845 0944 279
6th Jul, 2008SilchesterAmbrose Allen Centre, Franklin Avenue. Entrance fee £1.50 [due to higher cost of the new venue]. Further details by SAE from Tim Jenkins, 1 Wormstall Cottages, Greensward Lane, Arborfield, Reading, RG2 9JP.
4th Jul, 2008Burg Ludwigstein, Germany4th - 6th July
27th World Scout and Guide Collectors Meeting
For further information contact Stephan Schrolkamp.
22nd Jun, 2008London Scout Park, Gordon Rd, Bounds Green, London, N11 2PB. Information and maps from Brian Gyngell. Near all major routes. CAMPING AND HOT MEAL AVAILABLE.
13th Jun, 2008ClevelandWeekend Meet, 13th - 15th
Cleveland County Camp Site, Raven Gill, Commondale, North Yorkshire.
For more details, contact Doug & Susan Corbin
1st Jun, 2008LancingScout Hall, South Street, Lancing
Details from Jean Phipps, 01903 761543
18th May, 2008StourportClub Auction
St. Michaels Scout HQ., Stourport-On-Severn, Worcs.
Further details by SAE from Clive Huntbatch, 29 Loweswater Road, Stourport-On-Severn, Worcs, DY13 8LP.
11th May, 2008DartfordKent Branch at Scout HQ, Broomhill Rd, Dartford.
10.00 ? 16.00hrs.
Tea, coffee, biscuits available. Contact John Clegg, 01843 821473
4th May, 2008Bristol 229th Bristol Scouts HQ, Raynes Road, Ashton, Bristol.
Further details from Edwin Bessant
12th Apr, 2008DorchesterScout & Guide Hut, Sawmills Lane, Weymouth Avenue, Dorchester.
Further details by SAE from Merial Dunham, 14 Manor Road, Dorchester, Dorset, DT1 2AU.
21st Mar, 2008BristolWeekend Meet, 21st - 24th
Easter Reunion at Woodhouse Park.
See The Sett, Nov07 for more details.
16th Mar, 2008AshfordBarns Platt, 10.00 -16.00hrs Contact John Clegg, 01843 821473
24th Feb, 2008Taunton 1st Wellington Scout H.Q, Castle Hall, 6 Fore Street, Wellington, Somerset. Details from Richard Cook.
10th Feb, 2008Feltham4th Feltham Scout H.Q, 95 High St, Feltham, Middlesex. Details from Eddie Clark, 17 Green Lane, Hanworth, Middlesex, TW13 6TN.
27th Jan, 2008Stoke-On-Trent1st Kidsgrove Scout H.Q, The Avenue, Kidsgrove, Stoke-On-Trent, ST7 1AQ. 9am - 4pm.
For more information contact Dave Swindells
15th Dec, 2007New South Wales,
Christmas Swap and BBQ at 66 Kingsclare Street, Leumeah, NSW 2560.
Starts at 11am, finishes when all the swapping is done.
Further details available from Sue Kebblewhite
9th Dec, 2007Birmingham261st Scout HQ, off Yardley Fields Road, Stechford, Birmingham. Which is off the A4040 between A45 & A47.

Further details from Ken & Angie Waters
2nd Dec, 2007Horsham2nd Horsham Scout HQ., Swindon Road, Horsham, West Sussex.Further details available from .
John Morton
25th Nov, 2007Bristol229th Bristol Scouts HQ, Raynes Road, Ashton, Bristol.
Further details from Edwin Bessant
18th Nov, 2007NorthamptonClub Auction
Parklands Community Centre, Northampton.
Further details available from .
Auction commences at 12:00 prompt. Peter Maryniak
4th Nov, 2007ManchesterScout HQ., Mirfield Road, Higher Blackley, Manchester.
Further details by SAE from Freda Clarke, 60 Medway Crescent, Altrincham, Cheshire, WA14 4UB
28th Oct, 2007Scottish Borders
Galashiels Scout Centre, St. John Street, Galashiels. 10am - 4pm
Further details available from Derek Wilson
26th Oct, 2007Wagga Wagga
Starts on Friday 26th through to Sunday 28th.
For more information contact Sue Kebblewhite.
21st Oct, 2007LondonScout Park, Gordon Rd, Bounds Green, London, N11 2PB. Information and maps from Brian Gyngell. Near all major routes. CAMPING AND HOT MEAL AVAILABLE.
14th Oct, 2007Walsall2nd Walsall Scout Hq., Halliwell Brookes Centre, Delves Green Road, Walsall.
Details by SAE from Robert Falconer, 55 Lodge Road, Wednesbury, West Midlands, WS10 7RZ.
14th Oct, 2007Plymouth1st Crownhill Scout HQ.
Further details from Steven Bull
7th Oct, 2007SheffieldSheffield City HQ. (above SGS Outdoors Store), Trippet Lane, Sheffield. Further details from Dick Parrott.
7th Oct, 2007LancingScout Hall, South Street, Lancing
Details from Jean Phipps, 01903 761543
30th Sep, 2007SnodlandNew Date!! Thompson Close, Snodland. 10.00 ? 16.00hrs. Light Refreshments available. Good parking. Contact John Clegg, 01843 821473
23rd Sep, 2007SouthendSouthend Estuary H.Q, Eastern Avenue, Southend ? On ?Sea, SS2 4BU, near Wellesley Private Hospital.
Details from Keith Rooks-Cowell, 123 Ashurst Avenue, Southend?On?Sea, SS2 4TE.
1st Sep, 2007Midhurst2 DAY MEET
1st Easebourne Scout H.Q, Midhurst, West Sussex, England. Very popular annual event, combine with your trip to Gilwell Reunion! For full details contact Chris Hollingham, House, Midhurst Sports, West St, Midhurst, W.Sussex, GU29 9NF.
8th Jul, 2007GainsboroughSea Scout HQ., Love Lane, Gainsborough, Lincs, DN21 2SG. 10.00am - 3.00 pm Furhter details from Jonathan Swatton
1st Jul, 2007SilchesterAmbrose Allen Centre, Franklin Avenue. Entrance fee £1.50 [due to higher cost of the new venue]. Further details by SAE from Tim Jenkins, 1 Wormstall Cottages, Greensward Lane, Arborfield, Reading, RG2 9JP.
24th Jun, 2007LondonScout Park, Gordon Rd, Bounds Green, London N11 2PB. Information and maps from Brian Gyngell. Near all major routes. CAMPING AND HOT MEAL AVAILABLE
Details from Clive Huntbatch, 29 Loweswater Rd, Stourport ? on ? Severn, Worcs DY13 8LP, OR Tim Prior, 12 Windmill Lane, Llantwitt Major, Vale of Glamorgan, Wales, CF61 2SO, OR Peter Jackson, ?Leverton Breeze?, 33 Westhead Road, Cookley, Kidderminster, Worcs, DY10 3TG. (S.A.E IN ALL CASES PLEASE)
10th Jun, 2007HinckleyChange of venue
1st Burbage Group HQ, Brittania Rd, Burbage, Leicestershire. 10.00am - 4.00pm. Tea, coffee and biscuits available
Further details by SAE from Ken Miller, 19 Factory Road, Hinckley, Leics, LE10 0DW.
3rd Jun, 2007LancingScout Hall, South Street, Lancing.
Details from Jean Phipps, 01903 761543.
13th May, 2007StourportAuction
St. Michaels Scout HQ., Stourport-On-Severn, Worcs.
Further details by SAE from Clive Huntbatch, 29 Loweswater Road, Stourport-On-Severn, Worcs, DY13 8LP.
6th May, 2007DartfordBroomhill Rd. 10.00 ? 16.00hrs. Tea, coffee, biscuits available. Contact John Clegg, 01843 821473
6th Apr, 2007BristolEaster Reunion
Friday 6th April - Monday 9th April
Woodhouse Park Scout Campsite. For further details see Club magazine
1st Apr, 2007Dorchester10.00 -4pm The Scout and Guide Hut, Sawmills Lane, Weymouth Ave, Dorchester, Dorset. Entrance £1..00, Tea/coffee 25p. Details from Muriel Dunham, 14 Manor Rd, Dorchester, DT1 2AU, please include s.a.e.
18th Mar, 2007AshfordBarns Platt, 10.00 -16.00hrs Contact John Clegg, 01843 821473
2nd Mar, 2007GilwellFriday 2nd - Saturday 3rd March
Scouting Centenary World Scout Collectors Meeting
Gilwell Park, London.
This meeting incorporates the 2007 International Badgers Club A.G.M.
Further details by SAE from Peter Jackson, Leverton Breeze, 33 Westhead Road, Cookley, Worcs., DY10 3TG
18th Feb, 2007Taunton1st Wellington Scout H.Q, Castle Hall, 6 Fore Street, Wellington, Somerset. Details from Richard Cook.
11th Feb, 2007Feltham4th Feltham Scout H.Q, High St, Feltham, Middlesex. Details from Eddie Clark, 17 Green Lane, Hanworth, Middlesex. 020 88980596.
3rd Feb, 2007Moreton, Australia9am - 4pm
Moreton Region Scout Centre Hall
Further details available from Stuart Murray.
21st Jan, 2007Stoke On Trent1st Kidsgrove Scout H.Q 0930 ? 15.30hrs Contact Dave Swindells, 01782 517273.
13th Jan, 2007Windsor 1st Datchet Sea Scout H.Q, Ditton Park Rd, Datchet, Berkshire. Further details from: 9402 Jenny & Denis Gudgeon, 2 Elm Croft, Datchet, Slough, Berkshire, SL3 9DS. S.A.E PLEASE.
10th Dec, 2006BirminghamFollowing our slightly cramped but very warm meeting last year, we will be returning to our roots in Stechford for this years meeting.Further details from Angie & Ken Waters.
3rd Dec, 2006Horsham2nd Horsham Scout HQ., Swindon Road, Horsham, West Sussex.
Further details available from John Morton.
26th Nov, 2006Houten,
The Netherlands
AGM/Swap Meeting
Scouthut Schonauwen Groep, Keercamp 13 Houten.
11.00 - 16.00
26th Nov, 2006Kings Lynn14th Kings Lynn (Woottons) Scout & Guide HQ., Kings Lynn.
Further details from Andy Farr
26th Nov, 2006BristolThe HQ., 229th Scout Group, Raines Road, Bristol.
Further details from Edwin Bessant
19th Nov, 2006NorthamptonClub Auction
Parklands Community Centre, Northampton.
Further details available from .
Auction commences at 12:00 prompt. Peter Maryniak
5th Nov, 2006ManchesterScout HQ., Mirfield Road, Higher Blackley, Manchester.
Further details by SAE from Freda Clarke, 60 Medway Crescent, Altrincham, Cheshire, WA14 4UB.
22nd Oct, 2006Walsall2nd Walsall Scout HQ., Halliwell Brookes Centre, Delves Green Road, Walsall.
Further details by SAE from Robert Falconer, 55 Lodge Road, Wednesbury, West Midlands, WS10 7RZ.
22nd Oct, 2006Scottish BordersVenue Confirmed 10.00 - 16.00, Galashiels Scout Centre, St. John Street, Galashiels. Further details available from Derek Wilson.
15th Oct, 2006LondonLondon Branch:
Scout Park, Gordon Road, Bounds Green, London, N11.
Further details from Brian Gyngell
8th Oct, 2006SnodlandKent Branch
Further details by SAE from John Clegg, 4 Alderney Gardens, St Peters, Broadstairs, Kent, CT10 2TN
8th Oct, 2006Breda,
The Netherlands
Scouthut, Langendijk 87, Breda
12.00 - 16.00
8th Oct, 2006Plymouth1st Crownhill Scout HQ.
Further details from Steven Bull
7th Oct, 2006Baarn, The NetherlandsSaturday
Book and swap meeting, Scouting Nederland Museum, Amsterdamsestraatweg 51, Baarn.
1st Oct, 2006SheffieldSheffield City HQ. (above the Scout shop), Trippet Lane, Sheffield.
Further details from Dick Parrott
1st Oct, 2006LancingScout Hall, South Street, Lancing.
Details from Jean Phipps, 01903 761543.
17th Sep, 2006SouthendSouthend Estuary HQ., Eastern Avenue, Southend On See, SS2 4DU.
Further details by SAE from Keith Rooks-Cowell, 123 Ashurst Avenue, Thorpe Bay, Essex, SS2 4TE.
1st Sep, 2006Gilwell Reunion1st, 2nd & 3rd, 3 Day Meet
For further details see the Club magazine.
26th Aug, 2006Midhurst26th & 27th, 2 Day Meet
1st Easebourne Scout HQ., Midhurst, West Sussex. Popular annual event, why not combine it with a trip to the Gilwell Reunion. For full programme and details, contact Chris Hollingham, 01730 815191
5th Aug, 2006Copenhagen, Denmark25th World Collectors Meeting
Further details available from Thomas Virenfeldt.
9th Jul, 2006GainsboroughSea Scout HQ., Love Lane, Gainsborough, Lincs, DN21 2SG. Overnight accommodation available at the HQ if anyone wishes to travel up the night before. Furhter details from Jonathan Swatton
2nd Jul, 2006SilchesterNew Venue : 5 minutes from the old venue, round the corner at ; Ambrose Allen Centre, Franklin Avenue. Entrance fee £1.50 [due to higher cost of the new venue]. Further details by SAE from Tim Jenkins, 1 Wormstall Cottages, Greensward Lane, Arborfield, Reading, RG2 9JP.
18th Jun, 2006LondonLondon Branch:
Scout Park, Gordon Road, Bounds Green, London, N11.
Further details from Brian Gyngell
18th Jun, 2006Birkenhead20th Birkenhead Scout Hut, McAllister Field, [Bidstone Road], Birkenhead. For more information, contact Edna Britton 0151 608 5480
11th Jun, 2006Hinckley9am - 4pm
Hinckley Scout HQ.
Further details by SAE from Ken Miller, 19 Factory Road, Hinckley, Leics, LE10 0DW.
4th Jun, 2006LancingScout Hall, South Street, Lancing.
Details from Jean Phipps, 01903 761543.
21st May, 2006Houten,
The Netherlands
AGM/Swap Meeting
Scouthut Schonauwen Groep, Keercamp 13 Houten.
11.00 - 16.00
14th May, 2006StourportAuction
St. Michaels Scout HQ., Stourport-On-Severn, Worcs.
Further details by SAE from Clive Huntbatch, 29 Loweswater Road, Stourport-On-Severn, Worcs, DY13 8LP.
7th May, 2006DartfordKent Branch
Further details by SAE from John Clegg, 4 Alderney Gardens, St Peters, Broadstairs, Kent, CT10 2TN
7th May, 2006BristolThe Training Centre, Woodhouse Park Campsite, Almondbury, Nr Bristol.
Further details from
Edwin Bessant
14th Apr, 2006BristolEaster Reunion
14th - 17th April
Woodhouse Park Campsite, Almondbury, Nr Bristol.
Further details from Peter Symmans
9th Apr, 2006DorchesterScout & Guide Hut, Sawmills Lane, Weymouth Avenue, Dorchester. 10.30am - 4.00pm
Further details by SAE from Merial Dunham, 14 Manor Road, Dorchester, Dorset, DT1 2AU.
2nd Apr, 2006ThurrockOrsett Scout HQ., Bristowe Road, Orsett.
Further details available from Eddie Body
26th Mar, 2006Deurne,
The Netherlands
Scouthut at Scouting Deurne Albert Schweitzerstraat 38, Deurne
11.00 - 16.00
19th Mar, 2006AshfordKent Branch
Further details by SAE from John Clegg, 4 Alderney Gardens, St Peters, Broadstairs, Kent, CT10 2TN
19th Mar, 2006BoltonContact Rosemary Hill for further details
3rd Mar, 2006Gilwell Park3rd March - 5th March
Club AGM
Further details by SAE from Peter Jackson, Leverton Breeze, 33 Westhead Road, Cookley, Worcs., DY10 3TG
19th Feb, 2006Taunton1st Wellington Scout Group Headquarters, Castle Hall, 6 Fore Street, Wellington, Somerset.
Further details from Richard Cook
5th Feb, 2006Feltham4th Feltham Scout HQ., 95 High Street, Feltham, Middlesex.
Further details by SAE from Eddie Clark, 17 Green Lane, Hanworth, Middlesex, TW13 6TN.
Hot refreshments available
29th Jan, 2006Rotterdam,
The Netherlands
Rotterdam Scouting Museum, Heemraadssingel 129, Rotterdam.
11.00 - 16.00
22nd Jan, 2006Stoke On Trent9.30-15.30
1st Kidsgrove Scout HQ, The Avenue, Kidsgrove.
Further details from David Swindells.
14th Jan, 2006Windsor1st Datchet Sea Scout HQ., Ditton Park Road, Datchet, Berkshire.
Further details from
Jenny & Denis Gudgeon
11th Dec, 2005BirminghamThis years Birmingham Meeting takes place on Sunday 11th December, at the NEW Venue of Birmingham Scout County Headquarters. This NEW larger / warmer Venue is just 5 minutes from the City centre, just off the A34 Hatchett Street, Newtown.
For further details contact Ken & Angie Waters
4th Dec, 2005Horsham2nd Horsham Scout HQ., Swindon Road, Horsham, West Sussex.
Further details available from John Morton
27th Nov, 2005BristolSt Aldhelms Scout HQ, Raynes Road, Ashton, Bristol.
Further details by SAE from Paul Kerslake, 8 Goresmarsh Road, Ashton, Bristol, BS3 2PE.
27th Nov, 2005Baarn, The NetherlandsNVVSO Swop Meeting/AGM
Further details from Frank Smits, 00 31 715 170016
27th Nov, 2005Melbourne, AustraliaScout Centre, 152 Forster Road, Mount Waverly.
Further details from Ann Taylor.
20th Nov, 2005NorthamptonClub Auction
Parklands Community Centre, Northampton.
Further details available from .
Auction commences at 12:00 prompt. Peter Maryniak
6th Nov, 2005ManchesterScout HQ., Mirfield Road, Higher Blackley, Manchester.
Further details by SAE from Freda Clarke, 60 Medway Crescent, Altrincham, Cheshire, WA14 4BU.
6th Nov, 2005Christchurch, New ZealandNew Zealand Badgers Club
Starts at 2pm
Rapaki-Opawa Scout Den, 127 Garland Road, Opawa, Christchurch
Further details from Edmund le Grelle.
29th Oct, 2005Leuven, Belgium14th European Scout Collectors Meeting
Further details available from Peter van er Loock
16th Oct, 2005LondonLondon Branch
Scout Park, Gordon Road, Bounds Green, London, N11.
Further details from Brian Gyngell
9th Oct, 2005SnodlandKent Branch
1st Snodland Scout HQ, Thompson Close, Snodland, Kent. 10.00am - 4.00pm
Further details from Jackie Vaughan, 01474 325868 or John Clegg, 01843 871437.
9th Oct, 2005Plymouth1st Crownhill Scout HQ.
Further details from Steven Bull
9th Oct, 2005Breda, The NetherlandsNVVSO Swop Meeting
Scouting Toen en Nu, Langendijk 87
Further details from Frank Smits, 00 31 715 170016
8th Oct, 2005Copenhagen, DenmarkJoint Danish - Swedish Collectors Meeting.
Vennemindevej 57, The Basement. 2100 Copenhagen 0.
No further details available
2nd Oct, 2005SheffieldSheffield City HQ. (above the Scout shop), Trippet Lane, Sheffield.
Further details by SAE to Dick Parrott, 411 Myers Grove Lane, Sheffield, S6 5LA.
2nd Oct, 2005LancingScout Hall, South Street, Lancing
Details from Jean Phipps, 01903 761543
25th Sep, 2005Melbourne, AustraliaScout Centre, 152 Forster Road, Mount Waverly.
Further details from Ann Taylor.
18th Sep, 2005Southend2nd Southchurch Scout HQ.
Further details by SAE from Keith Rooks-Cowell, 123 Ashurst Avenue, Thorpe Bay, Essex, SS2 4TE.
1st Sep, 2005Gilwell Reunion1st - 4th September 2005
Further details by SAE from Peter Jackson, 33 Westhead Road, Cookley, Kidderminster, Worcs, DY10 3TG.
27th Aug, 2005Midhurst27th - 28th August
1st Easebourne Scout HQ., Midhurst, West Sussex
Further details by SAE from Chris Hollingham, 01730 815191
20th Aug, 2005Langley B.C, CanadaBritish Columbia Lower Mainland Badge Swap Meet
9am - 4pm
19893 -37A Ave, Langley B.C.
Further information available from Ray Crowther.
14th Aug, 2005Christchurch, New ZealandNew Zealand Badgers Club
Starts at 2pm
Rapaki-Opawa Scout Den, 127 Garland Road, Opawa, Christchurch
Further details from Edmund le Grelle.
10th Jul, 2005SilchesterFurther details from Peter Symmans
26th Jun, 2005StourportNew Zealand Meeting
St. Michaels Scout HQ., Stourport-On-Severn, Worcs.
Further details by SAE from Peter Jackson, Leverton Breeze, 33 Westhead Road, Cookley, Worcs., DY10 3TG
19th Jun, 2005LondonLondon Branch:
Scout Park, Gordon Road, Bounds Green, London, N11.
Further details from Brian Gyngell
12th Jun, 2005HinckleyHinckley Scout HQ.
Further details by SAE from Ken Miller, 19 Factory Road, Hinckley, Leics, LE10 0DW.
5th Jun, 2005LancingScout Hall, South Street, Lancing.
Details from Jean Phipps, 01903 761543.
22nd May, 2005BristolThe Training Centre, Woodhouse Park Campsite, Fernhill, Almonsbury. South Glos. BS32 4LX.

Further details from Edwin Bessant
15th May, 2005StourportAuction
St. Michaels Scout HQ., Stourport-On-Severn, Worcs.
Further details by SAE from Clive Huntbatch, 29 Loweswater Road, Stourport-On-Severn, Worcs, DY13 8LP.
8th May, 2005DartfordKent Branch
Broomhill Road, Dartford. 10.00am - 4.00pm
More details from John Clegg (01843 871437)
10th Apr, 2005DorchesterScout & Guide Hut, Sawmills Lane, Weymouth Avenue, Dorchester. 10.30am - 4.00pm
Further details by SAE from Merial Dunham, 14 Manor Road, Dorchester, Dorset, DT1 2AU.
10th Apr, 2005WakefieldGeorge Street Scout & Guide HQ, 10,00am - 3.30pm
Further details by SAE from George Petyt, Flat 17, Tudor House, Kirkgate, Wakefield, W. Yorks, WF1 1 TN.
25th Mar, 2005BristolEaster Reunion
25th - 28th March
Woodhouse Park Campsite, Almondbury, Nr Bristol.
Further details from Peter Symmans
20th Mar, 2005AshfordKent Branch
More detalls from John Clegg (01843 871437)
4th Mar, 2005Gilwell Park5th March - 7th March
Club AGM
Further details by SAE from Peter Jackson, Leverton Breeze, 33 Westhead Road, Cookley, Worcs., DY10 3TG
20th Feb, 2005Taunton1st Wellington Scout Group Headquarters, Castle Hall, 6 Fore Street, Wellington, Somerset.
Further details from Richard Cook
13th Feb, 2005Feltham4th Feltham Scout HQ., 95 High Street, Feltham, Middlesex.
Further details by SAE from Eddie Clark, 17 Green Lane, Hanworth, Middlesex, TW13 6TN.
Hot refreshments available
30th Jan, 2005Stoke On Trent1st Kidsgrove Scout HQ, The Avenue, Kidsgrove.
Further details from David Swindells
15th Jan, 2005Windsor1st Datchet Sea Scout HQ., Ditton Park Road, Datchet, Berkshire.
Further details from Jenny & Denis Gudgeon
12th Dec, 2004Birmingham
Yardley Fields Road, off A4040 Stechford Birmingham road.
Further details from Angie & Ken Waters
5th Dec, 2004Horsham2nd Horsham Scout HQ., Swindon Road, Horsham, West Sussex.Further details available from John Morton.
28th Nov, 2004Bristol229th Bristol (St Aldhelm's) Scout HQ., Raynes Road, Ashton, Bristol.
Further details by SAE from Paul Kerslake, 8 Goresmarsh Road, Ashton, Bristol, BS3 2PE.
21st Nov, 2004NorthamptonClub Auction
Parklands Community Centre, Northampton.
Further details available from
Peter Maryniak.
Auction commences at 12:00 prompt.
13th Nov, 2004MauldenMaulden Church Hall, Church Road, Maulden, Bedfordshire
Further details from Richard & Jo Winslade
7th Nov, 2004ManchesterScout HQ., Mirfield Road, Higher Blackley, Manchester.
Further details by SAE from Freda Clarke, 60 Medway Crescent, Altrincham, Cheshire, WA14 4BU.
7th Nov, 2004ThurrockOrsett Scout HQ., Bristowe Road, Orsett.

Hall tel. no. on the day = 01375 892201

Entrance fee £1.25 (£2.50 if selling)

Further details available from
Eddie Body
17th Oct, 2004LondonLondon Branch: Scout Park, Gordon Road, Bounds Green, London, N11. Further details available from Brian Gyngell.
Directions using Multimap.com
10th Oct, 2004DartfordKent Branch: Details from Jackie Vaughan, 01474 325868 or John Clegg, 01843 871437.
10th Oct, 2004PlymouthFurther details from Steve Bull
3rd Oct, 2004LancingScout Hall, South Street, Lancing.
Details from Jean Phipps, 01903 761543.
Light refreshments available.
3rd Oct, 2004LancingScout Hall, South Street, Lancing
Details from Jean Phipps, 01903 761543
3rd Oct, 2004SheffieldSheffield City HQ. (above the Scout shop), Trippet Lane, Sheffield. Further details by SAE to Dick Parrott, 411 Myers Grove Lane, Sheffield, S6 5LA.
26th Sep, 2004Southend2nd Southchurch Scout HQ.
Further details by SAE from Keith Rooks-Cowell, 123 Ashurst Avenue, Thorpe Bay, Essex, SS2 4TE.
26th Sep, 2004Walsall2nd Walsall Scout Hq., Halliwell Brookes Centre, Delves Green Road, Walsall.
Details by SAE from Chris Revitt
12th Sep, 2004King's Lynn14th Kings Lynn (Woottons) Scout & Guide HQ., Kings Lynn.
Further details by SAE from Andy Farr, 34 Kendle Way, Templemead, Kings Lynn, Norfolk, PE30 3XX.
29th Aug, 2004Midhurst2 day event, see above
28th Aug, 2004Midhurst1st Easebourne Scout HQ., Midhurst, West Sussex
Further details by SAE from Chris Hollingham, 01730 815191
11th Jul, 2004SilchesterFurther details from Peter Symmans
27th Jun, 2004BirkenheadThe Scout Hall, McAllister Field, Bidston Road, Oxton, Birkenhead.
Further details by SAE from Kelvin or Edna Britton, 29 Kindale Road, Prenton, Birkenhead, Wirral, CH43 3AU.
20th Jun, 2004LondonLondon Branch: Scout Park, Gordon Road, Bounds Green, London, N11. Further details available from Brian Gyngell.
Directions using Multimap.com
13th Jun, 2004HinckleyHinckley Scout HQ.
Further details by SAE from Ken Miller, 19 Factory Road, Hinckley, Leics, LE10 0DW.
6th Jun, 2004LancingScout Hall, South Street, Lancing.
Details from Jean Phipps, 01903 761543.
Light refreshments available.
16th May, 2004StourportAuction
St. Michaels Scout HQ., Stourport-On-Severn, Worcs.
Further details by SAE from Clive Huntbatch, 29 Loweswater Road, Stourport-On-Severn, Worcs, DY13 8LP.
9th May, 2004BristolThe Training Centre, Woodhouse Park Camping and Activity Site, Almondbury, nr Bristol.
Further details from Bob Wallace (01179 778247)
9th May, 2004SnodlandKent Branch
Further details from Jackie Vaughan, 01474 325868 or John Clegg, 01843 871437.
Directions using Multimap.com
18th Apr, 2004DorchesterScout & Guide Hut, Sawmills Lane, Weymouth Avenue, Dorchester. 10.30am - 4.00pm
Further details by SAE from Merial Dunham, 14 Manor Road, Dorchester, Dorset, DT1 2AU.
9th Apr, 2004GloucesterEaster Reunion
9th - 12th April
Cranham Campsite, Gloucester
Further details from Peter Symmans.
14th Mar, 2004AshfordKent Branch.
More detials from John Clegg (01843 871437)
5th Mar, 2004Gilwell5th March - 7th March
Club AGM
Further details by SAE from Peter Jackson, Leverton Breeze, 33 Westhead Road, Cookley, Worcs., DY10 3TG
22nd Feb, 2004Taunton31/1/4 VENUE CHANGED

1st Wellington Scout Group Headquarters, Castle Hall, 6 Fore Street, Wellington, Somerset.

Details from Richard Cook.
15th Feb, 2004LancingScout Hall, South Street, Lancing.
Details from Jean Phipps, 01903 761543.
Light refreshments available.
8th Feb, 2004Feltham4th Feltham Scout HQ., 95 High Street, Feltham, Middlesex.
Further details by SAE from Eddie Clark, 17 Green Lane, Hanworth, Middlesex, TW13 6TN.
Hot refreshments available
25th Jan, 2004Stoke-On-Trent09.30 - 15.30
1st Goldenhill Scout HQ., Broadfield Road, Sandyford, Stoke-On-Trent, Staffordshire.
Details from Roy Peach, 01782 812476 or Dave Swindells, 01782 517273.
17th Jan, 2004Windsor1st Datchet Sea Scout HQ., Ditton Park Road, Datchet, Berkshire.
Further details from Jenny & Denis Gudgeon
14th Dec, 2003Birmingham (Stechford)Further details by SAE to Angie & Ken Waters, 56 Fladbury Crescent, Selly Oak, Birmingham, B29 6PH.
7th Dec, 2003Horsham2nd Horsham Scout HQ., Swindon Road, Horsham, West Sussex. Further details available from John Morton.
Directions using Multimap.com
30th Nov, 2003Bristol229th Bristol (St Aldhelm's) Scout HQ., Raynes Road, Ashton, Bristol.
Further details by SAE from Paul Kerslake, 8 Goresmarsh Road, Ashton, Bristol, BS3 2PE.
16th Nov, 2003NorthamptonClub Auction
Parklands Community Centre, Northampton.
Further details available from Peter Maryniak.
Auction commences at 12:00 prompt.
2nd Nov, 2003ManchesterScout HQ., Mirfield Road, Higher Blackley, Manchester.
Further details by SAE from Freda Clarke, 60 Medway Crescent, Altrincham, Cheshire, WA14 4BU.
19th Oct, 2003LondonLondon Branch:
Scout Park, Gordon Road, Bounds Green, London, N11.
Further details from Brian Gyngell.
Directions using Multimap.com
12th Oct, 2003Plymouth1st Crownhill Scout HQ.
Further details by SAE to Stephen Bull, 8 Fountains Crescent, Pennycross, Plymouth, Devon, PL2 3RA.
12th Oct, 2003DartfordKent Branch: Details from Jackie Vaughan, 01474 325868, Andrew McLean, 01322 277960 or John Clegg, 01843 871437.
5th Oct, 2003LancingScout Hall, South Street, Lancing
Details from Jean Phipps, 01903 761543
5th Oct, 2003SheffieldSheffield City HQ. (above the Scout shop), Trippet Lane, Sheffield. Further details by SAE to Dick Parrott, 411 Myers Grove Lane, Sheffield, S6 5LA.
28th Sep, 2003King's Lynn14th King's Lynn (Woottons) Scout H.Q.
in King's Lynn. More details from Andy Farr, 34 Kendle Way, Templemead, King's
Lynn, Norfolk PE30 3XX
21st Sep, 2003Southend2nd Southchurch Scout HQ.
Further details by SAE from Keith Rooks-Cowell, 123 Ashurst Avenue, Thorpe Bay, Essex, SS2 4TE.
21st Sep, 2003Walsall2nd Walsall Scout Hq., Halliwell Brookes Centre, Delves Green Road, Walsall.
Details by SAE from Chris Revitt
14th Sep, 2003BoltonBirtenshaw Hall School, Darwen Road, Bromley Cross, Bolton from 10 a.m. Contact Rosemary Hill for details
7th Sep, 2003Gilwell ReunionGilwell Park.
Further details by SAE from Peter Jackson, 33 Westhead Road, Cookley, Kidderminster, Worcs, DY10 3TG.
30th Aug, 2003Midhurst1st Easebourne Scout HQ., Midhurst, West Sussex
Further details by SAE from Chris Hollingham, 01730 815191
Directions using Streetmap.co.uk
13th Jul, 2003SilchesterNEW VENUE
Tadley Den, Tadley.
Further details by SAE from Peter Symmans, 1 Second Avenue, Ravenswing Park, Aldermaston, Berks, RG7 4PU
15th Jun, 2003HinckleyHinckley Scout HQ.
Further details by SAE from Ken Miller, 19 Factory Road, Hinckley, Leics, LE10 0DW.
15th Jun, 2003LondonLondon Branch:
Scout Park, Gordon Road, Bounds Green, London, N11.
Further details from Brian Gyngell.
Directions using Multimap.com
15th Jun, 2003BirkenheadThe Scout Hall, McAllister Field, Bidston Road, Oxton, Birkenhead.
Further details by SAE from Kelvin or Edna Britton, 29 Kindale Road, Prenton, Birkenhead, Wirral, CH43 3AU.
1st Jun, 2003LancingScout Hall, South Street, Lancing.
Details from Jean Phipps, 01903 761543.
18th May, 2003Stourport-On-SevernAuction
St. Michaels Scout HQ., Stourport-On-Severn, Worcs.
Further details by SAE from Clive Huntbatch, 29 Loweswater Road, Stourport-On-Severn, Worcs, DY13 8LP. Multimap.com
18th May, 2003Kings Lynn14th Kings Lynn (Woottons) Scout & Guide HQ., Kings Lynn.
Further details by SAE from Andy Farr, 34 Kendle Way, Templemead, Kings Lynn, Norfolk, PE30 3XX.
12th May, 2003SnodlandKent Branch
Further details from Jackie Vaughan, 01474 325868, Andrew McLean, 01322 277960 or John Clegg, 01843 871437.
Directions using Multimap.com
4th May, 2003BristolNEW VENUE
Avon Scouts County Campsite, Woodhouse Park, near Almondsbury.
Charges for the meeting - £1.50 per Adult, £1.00 per Junior, £5.00 per sales table
Further details from Bob Wallace, 01179 778247.
18th Apr, 2003YoulburyEaster (Chalfont) Reunion, Youlbury
Further details from Peter Symmans, 1 Second Avenue, Ravenswing Park, Aldermaston, Berks, RG7 4PU
13th Apr, 2003WakefieldGuide & Scout HQ., 43 George Street, Wakefield, West Yorkshire. 9.30am - 3.30pm
Further details from G K Petyt, 01924 375516.
6th Apr, 2003DorchesterScout & Guide Hut, Sawmills Lane, Weymouth Avenue, Dorchester. 10.30am - 4.00pm
Further details by SAE from Merial Dunham, 14 Manor Road, Dorchester, Dorset, DT1 2AU.
30th Mar, 2003ThurrockOrsett Scout HQ., Bristowe Drive, Orsett.
Further details from Eddie Body.
28th Feb, 2003Gilwell ParkClub AGM
Further details by SAE from Peter Jackson, Leverton Breeze, 33 Westhead Road, Cookley, Worcs., DY10 3TG
23rd Feb, 2003TauntonHuish Woods Campsite (Taunton District's Campsite). Taunton, Somerset.
Details available from Richard Cook
16th Feb, 2003LancingThis is primarily a meeting for collectors of badges from Australasia - Scout Hall, South Street, Lancing.
Details available from Jean Phipps, 01903 761543
9th Feb, 2003Feltham4th Feltham Scout HQ., 95 High Street, Feltham, Middlesex.
Further details by SAE from Eddie Clark, 17 Green Lane, Hanworth, Middlesex, TW13 6TN.
27th Jan, 2003Stoke-On-Trent1st Goldenhill Scout HQ., Broadfiled Road, Sandyford, Stoke-On-Trent.
Details available from Dave Swindells, 01782 517273
19th Jan, 2003Windsor1st Datchet Sea Scout HQ., Ditton Park Road, Datchet, Berkshire - 10.00am - 3.30pm.
Further details by SAE from Jenny & Dennis Gudgeon, 2 Elm Croft, Datchet, Slough, Berks, SL3 9DS.
15th Dec, 2002Birmingham
Further details by SAE to Angie & Ken Waters, 56 Fladbury Crescent, Selly Oak, Birmingham, B29 6PH
1st Dec, 2002Horsham2nd Horsham Scout HQ., Swindon Road, Horsham, West Sussex. Further details available from John Morton.
Directions using Multimap.com
17th Nov, 2002Club Auction
Parklands Community Centre, Northampton.
Further details available from Peter Maryniak.
Auction commences at 12:00 prompt.
3rd Nov, 2002ManchesterScout HQ., Mirfield Road, Higher Blackley, Manchester.
Further details by SAE from Freda Clarke, 60 Medway Crescent, Altrincham, Cheshire, WA14 4BU.
Directions using Multimap.com
27th Oct, 2002Redditch1st Matchborough Scout HQ
Further details from Keith and Kathy Vickers.
20th Oct, 2002LondonLondon Branch: Scout Park, Gordon Road, Bounds Green, London, N11. Further details available from Brian Gyngell.
Directions using Multimap.com
13th Oct, 2002DartfordKent Branch: Details from Jackie Vaughan, 01474 325868, Andrew McLean, 01322 277960 or John Clegg, 01843 871437.
6th Oct, 2002LancingScout Hall, South Street, Lancing
Details from Jean Phipps, 01903 761543
6th Oct, 2002SheffieldSheffield City HQ. (above the Scout shop), Trippet Lane, Sheffield. Further details by SAE to Dick Parrott, 411 Myers Grove Lane, Sheffield, S6 5LA.
Directions using Multimap.com
6th Oct, 2002Plymouth1st Crownhill Scout HQ. Further details by SAE to Stephen Bull, 8 Fountains Crescent, Pennycross, Plymouth, Devon, PL2 3RA.
22nd Sep, 2002Southend2nd Southchurch Scout HQ.
Further details by SAE from Keith Rooks-Cowell, 123 Ashurst Avenue, Thorpe Bay, Essex, SS2 4TE.
22nd Sep, 2002Bolton2nd Bolton (Birtenshaw Hall) Scout Group, Birtenshaw Hall School, Darwen Road, Bromley Cross, Bolton.
Further details from Rosemary Hill.
7th Sep, 2002Gilwell ReunionGilwell Park.
Further details by SAE from Peter Jackson, 33 Westhead Road, Cookley, Kidderminster, Worcs, DY10 3TG.
25th Aug, 2002Midhurst1st Easebourne Scout HQ., Midhurst, West Sussex
Further details from Chris Hollingham, 01730 815191
>Directions using Streetmap.co.uk
14th Jul, 2002SilchesterPamber Heath Den, Pelican Road, Pamber Heath
Further details from Peter Symmans.
23rd Jun, 2002Redditch1st Matchborough Scout HQ
Further details from Keith and Kathy Vickers.
16th Jun, 2002LondonLondon Branch:
Scout Park, Gordon Road, Bounds Green, London, N11.
Further details from Brian Gyngell.
Directions using Multimap.com
9th Jun, 2002HinckleyHinckley Scout HQ.
Further details by SAE from Ken Miller, 19 Factory Road, Hinckley, Leics, LE10 0DW.
2nd Jun, 2002LancingScout Hall, South Street, Lancing.
Details from Jean Phipps, 01903 761543.
19th May, 2002Stourport-On-SevernAuction
St. Michaels Scout HQ., Stourport-On-Severn, Worcs.
Further details by SAE from Clive Huntbatch, 29 Loweswater Road, Stourport-On-Severn, Worcs, DY13 8LP.
12th May, 2002SnodlandKent Branch
Further details from Mike Hicks, 01474 352910, Andrew McLean, 01322 277960 or John Clegg, 01843 871437.
Directions using Multimap.com
5th May, 2002BristolClifton Hill House, Clifton, Bristol.
Further details from Bob Wallace, 01179 778247.
28th Apr, 2002ThurrockOrsett Scout HQ., Bristowe Drive, Orsett.
Further details from Eddie Body, 01708 223599
14th Apr, 2002WakefieldGuide & Scout HQ., 43 George Street, Wakefield, West Yorkshire. 3.30am - 3.30pm
Further details from G K Petyt, 01924 375516.
7th Apr, 2002DorchesterScout & Guide Hut, Sawmills Lane, Weymouth Avenue, Dorchester. 10.30am - 4.00pm
Further details by SAE from Merial Dunham, 14 Manor Road, Dorchester, Dorset, DT1 2AU.
29th Mar, 2002YouleburyEaster (Chalfont) Reunion, Youlebury
Further details from Peter Symmans.
17th Mar, 2002DerbyScout HQ., Derwent Hall, Coleridge Street, Derby.
Further details by SAE from DErek Skidmore, 11 St. Michaels Close, Alvaston, Derby, DE24 0QR.
1st Mar, 2002Gilwell ParkClub AGM
Further details by SAE from Peter Jackson, Leverton Breeze, 33 Westhead Road, Cookley, Worcs., DY10 3TG
17th Feb, 2002LancingScout Hall, South Street, Lancing.
This is primarily a meeting for collectors of Canada badges.
Details from Jean Phipps, 01903 761543.
10th Feb, 2002MorecambeCenturion Scout HQ., Kingsway, Heysham, Lancs.
Further details by SAE from John Buckley, 20 Thorpe Avenue, Torrisholme, Morecambe, Lancs, LA4 6NG.
10th Feb, 2002Feltham4th Feltham Scout HQ., 95 High Street, Feltham, Middlesex.
Further details by SAE from Eddie Clark, 17 Green Lane, Hanworth, Middlesex, TW13 6TN.
27th Jan, 2002Stoke-On-Trent1st Goldenhill Scout HQ., Broadfield Road, Sandyford, Stoke-On-Trent, Staffordshire.
Details from Roy Peach, 01782 812476 or Dave Swindells, 01782 517273.
20th Jan, 2002Windsor1st Datchet Sea Scout HQ., Ditton PArk Road, Datchet, Berkshire - 10.00am - 3.30pm.
Further details by SAE from Jenny & Dennis Gudgeon, 2 Elm Croft, Datchet, Slough, Berks, SL3 9DS.
9th Dec, 2001BirminghamFurther details by SAE to Angie Webber, 56 Fladbury Crescent, Selly Oak, Birmingham, B29 6PH
2nd Dec, 2001Horsham2nd Horsham Scout HQ., Swindon Road, Horsham, West Sussex.Further details available from John Morton.
Directions using Multimap.com
18th Nov, 2001NorthamptonClub Auction
Parklands Community Centre, Northampton.
Further details available from Peter Maryniak.
Auction commences at 12:00 prompt.
4th Nov, 2001ManchesterScout HQ., Mirfield Road, Higher Blackley, Manchester.
Further details by SAE from Freda Clarke, 60 Medway Crescent, Altrincham, Cheshire, WA14 4BU.
Directions using Multimap.com
28th Oct, 2001Redditch1st Matchborough Scout HQ.
Further details available from Keith and Kathy Vickers.
21st Oct, 2001London - New VenueLondon Branch: Scout Park, Gordon Road, Bounds Green, London, N11. Further details available from Brian Gyngell.
Directions using Multimap.com
14th Oct, 2001DartfordDetails from Mike Hicks, 01474 352910, Andrew McLean, 01322 277960 or John Clegg, 01843 871437.
7th Oct, 2001LancingScout Hall, South Street, Lancing
Details from Jean Phipps, 01903 761543
7th Oct, 2001SheffieldSheffield City HQ. (above the Scout shop), Trippet Lane, Sheffield. Further details by SAE to Dick Parrott, 411 Myers Grove Lane, Sheffield, S6 5LA.
Directions using Multimap.com
7th Oct, 2001Plymouth1st Crownhill Scout HQ. Further details by SAE to Stephen Bull, 8 Fountains Crescent, Pennycross, Plymouth, Devon, PL2 3RA.

© The International Badgers Club, 2025.